Bets on!. Dog odds are 3/2 and Mantis odds are 11/1.
Place your bet. Com'on.xD
AND THE WINNER BY KNOCKOUT IS .....................
NOBODY! It's a tie!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Dog Vs Mantis
Posted by
2:18 AM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Got my shooting boots on.
Thawrique is a cheater
I'm on FIRE!.6 shots 4 goals. Couldnt ask for a better ratio right? 66.67% of the time I shoot will score. Its only my 2nd and 3rd competitive match in a year and I still managed to find the back of the net 4 times. Its something I should be proud of.
Then again, my stamina let me down. I was spending alot of time sitting on the ground. Want proof?
First match my class narrowly won Thawrique's class. Thanks to my Hat trick. We won 4-3. Heres a picture of my first goal
My second goal was a penalty. No pictures was taken though. My last goal is probably will be the best goal of the tournament. A fine solo goal from me. Taken the ball from the middle. Beat 4 players and a cool finish to top it off. Anybody watching would be impressed for sure.
2nd match was a tough 1. We were up against the best team in the form. Yet we managed to draw with them thanks to my late equalizer.
All we need tomorrow is not to lose by a two goal margin and we will be in the semi final. I got bad news too. My boot gave up on me. Koyak terus. Don't know what to do. Crap
Posted by
9:13 PM
Outing with friends last Monday
Went to TS with Hafiz, Thawrique, Keith, Syanaz, Zeinal, Ayai , Agus , Afiqah, Iqmal and 1 more girl. It was very fun. Watched Pandorum, played billiard and bowling
I seriously do suck at bowling. My fourth game and still no improvement. I'll eventually learn. Thats my talent anyway. SPORTS.
I'm literally gonna fall down
I guess bowling ain't my thing after all. But I can do tell you. Billiard and Pool are my two better sports. I can pocket 4 balls in arow. Well I did that in 2 racks and we played 2 games only. But I do crack when many people are looking. Couldn't get back the rhythm. I ain't too sure why either.
We tried to watch Surrogate but the time did not favor us. So we watched Pandorum instead. To be honest. I never heard of that show til that day. Oh well. The show was not bad. Thats all I can say.
Can't wait for next wednesday=)
Posted by
7:56 PM
Zero is the number
21st of Oct- Attendance of chinese girls is an unbelievable 0. Somehow I feel they all planned this.
Haih I have to go school today ( 22nd Oct) cause tomorrow there will be no electricity in my housing area. And also my school is having football competition among classes. Can't miss it can I?
I do hope to skip school on friday though.=) It all depend whether my class makes it into the next round.
It's gonna be boring this week. Not many girls or shall I say no girls will be coming. Likewise I managed to keep myself not bored by doing what I do best. That is finding something to do.
Yesterday 21st oct I was so bored til I helped out the "Skuad Ceria". Basically its all about making the school look more lively. But as usual I did nothing but walking around and disturbing people.
Its 2am and I have to go to school tomorrow. Waking up at 5.20. Currently Manu vs CSKA still nil nil.
Next post I wil include pictures.
Posted by
1:45 AM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
No Offense.
Seriously, I would like to know the meaning of this word. People always say no offense right before they offend someone. Cool isn't it?
So, stop using that word if you are planning to offend someone. Just say. I'm gonna offend you. And you shall start offending a person. But obviously you're gonna spark a war if you are stupid enough to say that.
Anyone know Shelby Singh? The football pundit. Well he sucks too. He said stupid on a show. As a professional you can't call someone stupid. Lets hope everyone knows that.
Skipped school today. Proud of it. Cause I know school today was very boring. What to do tomorrow? Bring hp? I would love to but I scare of 2 things;
i) Stolen(WORST case scenario)
Or ii) Beloved teacher confiscate it. Well you don't really need me to say out the teacher name,do you?
I've been actively updating my blog. So do visit it often ya.=)
Posted by
4:17 PM
Monday, October 19, 2009
21/12/2012 End of time?
If anyone is afraid of dooms day, you are more than welcome to close this tab now
I know many of us probably heard of this a long time ago. So do I actually. But I've watch afew movies about world end. So, it does make me think twice. Obviously I have done research as well.
Well at least we have something to cheer about though. Afew other world end warning turns out to be false and not true. But then again, there is a possibility that world could end anytime. Many predicted 2012, so theres a higher chance that IF the world DO END, most probably will be on 2012. Its still a very slim chance of that happening
Mayan calendar ends at 21/12/2012. Mayan calendar is said to be very accurate in counting the solar system. Go check out about it more. I don't really know much about it.
Nibiru aka Planet X is on course to knock our Earth of the Orbit. I guess? Well, I don't really have all the facts but you can check it out yourself
We should take this seriously but at the same time do not spend too much money. You might need it if this world end thing is false.
By 2012, I will be 18 and will be legally old enough to do many stuffs except voting. So I have already planned ahead. I don't want the world to end but I am curious about it. The questions will always be. How will it happen? Where do it take places? When will it happen? How will people react? Will they try to find an escape route?
Yes all this questions do make me want to know. But to know all this means that to see how the world end. So I rather not know all this.
Next post will be about my day at TS
Posted by
6:18 PM
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Beach ball are meant to be on the beach and poolside
Some idiot liverpool fan threw a beach ball onto the pitch in Liverpool vs Sunderland. Darren Bent shot deflected of the beach ball into goal. So thank you Mr Liverpool fan. You made me happy.
Sorry for not blogging yesterday, couldn't think of anything. Oh well, Tiffany and CO's are really a pain in my butt. First they say go, then they say no. And today, its on again. And now 4.27 PM it's off again I guess.
Nat couldn't make it. You see, I actually almost finished post just now. But then I just received a SMS from Nat. Oh well I guess its almost impossible for us all to go out. FFK always happen.
Anyway back to gaming. Cya..
Posted by
4:07 PM