
Friday, January 30, 2009


Killing me softly inside
See,how bored am I..
til take out lyrics from a song
My comp can't on lar!!
Always like that 1..
The last time happen when I came back from Vietnam
He rest too long until forget when to wake up liao
Kick him also can't wake up
Now, Im using another comp,which is the main comp
This comp,I don't LIKE!!
Only use it for dota
Chatting so laggy><
I think my ang pau collected over 900+
Don't jealous ah..
But I only kept 50 from 900+
see,i so good boy
right right?
Since nobody taking the 50,i'll probably use it to repair my comp
or for valentine day
I wonder who's gonna be my Valentine
Right now nobody wants me!!
Anyone? anyone?
Starting bid is RM 0.01,Current offer is 0, Buy out is free depend on which girl!!
NO la..
I ain't so desperate for love
More eager for success in this year and many years to come
But I'm not gonna rule out having girlfriend at the moment

Eyeing someone,
Ciao..Au Revoir..Adios..
in english it's BYE