I'm addicted to Facebook!!..Thats what
All of a sudden,i became active in Facebook.In fact my Facebook account was created in dec 07,was quite active back then. After that I was deactive and left it to rot. Now,I let my Friendster rot..LOL
Who cares right?Facebook is fun to be honest. The applications are awesome. I mean everything is fun about it. User-friendly
Okay,i will stop promoting facebook..lol
Well, this week I rarely been into class except for this week.Thank God I didn't miss much. Im just glad that HKS is over and I can get on with my daily life in class. That is ;
i)create havoc
ii)disturb people
iii)create jokes.
iv)and so on..=P
What I don't miss is greeting teacher. With all due respect, its not that I don't like greeting but Im not that good at it. Ain't my th'ng=D
Oh well, another thing Im happy about my school reverted back the class position system back to GPP instead of A's and subjects. And thanks to that I got num 7. It's nothing to be proud of just that I escaped a real hairdryer from my father if I gotten num 14 or 15~
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Guess what?
Posted by
8:36 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I'm clueless
This week is really fu*ked up
1st.until now my emcee/mc for hks havent settle
delay delay delay
hope tmrw can get it done with
it jux sucks
2nd.i ponteng class alot ady tis week
due to koperasi
4.my KKS!!!WTFFFFF?my teacher jux told me I got alot of mistakes
BUT what do i need to betulkan?just tell my briefly then walk away
i dun wanna do 1 actually
do folio oso kena scold from father
very song meh?-.-
JUX TOO MANY THINGS ARE COMING AT ME. once i done with this koperasi thing i will be okay ady=P
Posted by
8:32 PM
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I'm so bored and nervous ahead of tomorrow,so i decided to do tis tag
100 truths
WHAT WAS YOUR:1. Last beverage : mango nestle juice or smtg la
2. Last phone call: mum?
3. Last text message: i love you. (just kidding)
4. Last song you listened to: Mariah Carey- Obsessed
5. Last time you cried: last year
6. Dated someone twice: heck no
7. Been cheated on: maybe?not...
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: never kiss anyone except family members
9. Lost someone special: who?girl?yes gua
10. Been depressed : lately?no
11. Been drunk and threw up: drunk?a lil bit.threw up.no
12. any
13. freaking
14. colour
15. Made a new friend: yesss..
16. Fallen out of love: yesss
17. Laughed until you cried: yesssss
18. Met someone who changed you: this year?almost changed
19. Found out who your true friends were: yesss
20. Found out someone was talking about you: yes!
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: i still have my LIPGINITY
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: wat is a friend list?link list?most of them la
23. How many kids do you want?: 2 will be enough
24. Do you have any pets: fish?rabbit and dog=D
25. Do you want to change your name: my name is special,dun nit to
26. What did you do for your last birthday: hmm..nothing special
27. What time did you wake up today:10pm
28.What were you doing at midnight: playing poker at facebook
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: honestly?sex
30. Last time you saw your Mother: speaking of it.NOW
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: still with her?
32. What are you listening to right now : Enimem-We made you
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: tmrw being master ceremony for hari koperasi sekolah.
35. Most visited webpage: eurosport.com. and facebook.com
36. Whats your real name: James Bond.=P obviously not
37. Nicknames: Jay Tee. JT
38. Relationship Status: hunting
39. Zodiac sign: dog
40. Male or female?: something between my two legs
41. Primary School?: SK Taman Midah 1
43. High school/college/university?: Cochrane
44. Hair colour: black.
45. Long or short: short
46. Height: 162cm..short too=P
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: now?no
48: What do you like about yourself?:my body? everything about myself
49. Piercings:my ass..lol..jk
51. Righty or lefty: always right=P
52. First surgery: may 2006.broken arm
53. First piercing: my ass..lolx..see above
54. First best friend : daniel ravin
55. First sport you joined: Football.
56. First vacation: to other country?thailand
58. First pair of trainers:wats tis?
59. Eating: soon
60. Drinking: saliva
61. I'm about to: play poker
62. Listening to: mad world-adam lambert
63. Waiting on: ??dont understand
64. What kids?: asian?
65. Get Married?: 35 probably
66. Career?: investor or anything which pays more than 30k per month
67. Lips or eyes: eyes
68. Hugs or kisses: kisses=P
69. Shorter or taller: Taller but not too tall
70. Older or Younger: Younger. but not too young
71. Romantic or spontaneous: both=D
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: abs=D
73. Sensitive or loud: depend
74. Hook-up or relationship : relationship..
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Trouble maker.^.^
76. Kissed a stranger: as i said..still have my lipginity
77. Drank hard liquor: yes..vodka
78. Lost glasses/contacts: broken got la
79. Sex on first date: next time?
80. Broken someone's heart: yes
82. Been arrested: almost?no la of course
83. Turned someone down: yes not a relationship though
84. Cried when someone died:never before yet
85. Fallen for a friend?: yes
86. Yourself: HELL YEAH!!
87. Miracles: probably
88. Love at first sight: yes
89. Heaven: yep
90. Santa Claus:unfortunately no
91. Kiss on the first date: Thats HAWT(Paris Hilton style)
92. Angels: yeap
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: lolx.. la
95. Did you sing today?: got...
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: not yet=P
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: form 1 8 days after valentine day..mistake~
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?:as i said 22 feb=P
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? : yes actually
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: yea..and afew jokes too..enjoy=X
Tag :Xietin..haha..always tag me=P
Posted by
6:09 PM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Jokers and I love them
Remember I said I went Penang right? Okay I didn't say what day but I did mention it in my blog. Reason for a delay update about Penang cause I was abit upset cause I didn't see a pretty girl around my age. Sad. Depress. Angry. You name all the negative feelings,you got it.
Okay. I admit I wasn't really that sadlahh. Cause I'm not that despo la. Alittle sad,yes though.
Anyway,here's the highlight of my trip.Sadly it's not the playing tennis part nor the smuggling dog into the apartment. But it's at the second day in my grandparents house.
Firstly,my uncle and my father are two good friends and are two jokers. They didn't wanna take their lunch at my grandparents house and decided to save money,I assume. Here's what happened. My uncle was invited to a Malay(Not being racist,but I do mention the race's wedding)wedding. Guess what? He went to the wrong wedding! My father tagged along too. But the Malays are kind enough to offer them to eat there. My father and uncle rejected cause wanted to the go the real wedding which my uncle was invited.Here's the best part.
Once the arrived,they didn't eat. Basically nobody at the wedding?Why? Cause its the WRONG DATE.It's on 6th but they went on the 7th. Basically, they didn't get their lunch but they did get an egg each. Fair deal for going to people wedding on the wrong day!
I'm not in love,okay?=D I'm just some crazy guy who isn't in love now
My holiday is rather okay. I say it's okay cause my father keep forcing me to study. I have doubts when even I want to turn on the computer.I mean who study during the holidays?
But I did promised that I will put alot afford after the holiday
To kick things off I have DECORATED my room(walls) with FORMULAS,KARANGAN,SEJARAH AND OTHER CRAPS FOR PMR.
Note: All of these are for studying purposes not some other crap which you're thinking about
P.S: Chapter 4 Form 3 Science,I haven't put it up yet.Maybe will. Mwahahaha
Signed off.
Posted by
11:53 PM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Just one of the old days
I remember how I look like, my stupid actions, and pretty much ways how I tried to impress girls when I was young.
Funny just by remembering the past
There's two thing I'll never ever forget though
There are times I'm so afraid of going to SLEEP because my aunt told me one of our sultan died from sleeping. In another words, age catch up to him. I was so scare til I always try avoiding sleep.Somehow I stop this fear and think that I could never ever die!
When I say that I could never ever die, I mean I can't die even a car hit me at any speed. Boy! I would make superman look like superbaby anyday if I could pull that off
See,how funny I was when I was a little boy. Probably I'm more funny now with my crazy attitude.Just my 2 cents by the way
I had alot of fun when I was young. Many things I learned in the process, remembering it just makes me feel complete. Although I'm still single now.
But I think I'm falling in love again. BUT hold on.Just think. Afew girls to choose from in my mind. But I would rather honor my bet with someone! - Not liking anyone until after PMR
Posted by
12:09 AM
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Pain is not a reason
I'm feeling very tired and in pain. From shoulder to down to my ankle are hurting very much. Especially my thigh and back. Each time I walk I feel the excruciating pain.
Although I'm in pain, that won't stop me from walking uphill to tuition afterward. No pain is greater than me.
Probably I would blame jogging 6km on Sunday for this pain. Or maybe blame my PE teacher for MIA over 2 months. Lack of physical activities cause my body to be like stone and once I exercise.Muscles are not fit enough. Makes sense doesn't it?
On Monday,I woke up and felt so pain on my neck and back but that's nothing compare to today.
The best part was I played badminton yesterday.2 HOURS IN PAIN. I didn't want to disappoint Tiffany,so I went and play. I run around the court chasing shots after shots tirelessly although I'm tired. Best part was some points I won from chasing back and forth,left and right.
All I can say is I had a tremendous time and hope can do it again someday sooner rather than later. I ain't a good badminton player but I'm working on it
Never say never. Thats my moto for sports. For love is- never force a girl into a decision. I give up very easily on love=D Heck cares..
Tiffany caught a nice picture of me doing jump smash. Thats the picture I'm waiting for. Til now It haven't reach my mail..Arghh
I'm aging 2x faster already.Backache, walking problem, everywhere pain. And Im still 15=D
Posted by
3:24 PM
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
waiting for the pics to arrive..
then ony i update..
still not yet arrive
Posted by
7:16 PM
Monday, June 1, 2009
Lie and gossip hurt a person the most
Funny isn't when you tell a lie and people fall for it? Fact is no matter what type of lie you tell and IF only IF that persons find out the truth. You have just killed a soul
Probably that person will put on a wide smile. Truth is, that person's heart don't lie. Or maybe that person will be boiling. Raging over a lie you told.
Why does lying hurt so much? You see, lying is a form of breaking one's trust.
One trust so much, and even fall for it. But you lied with your face expression- Huh? What? No la.
Want my advise?Come clean. With the truth of course.
Let's turn our attention to gossip.
Frankly,I do gossip,at times yea. But nothing close to what girls can do when it's come to gossiping
No wonder so many woman are taking up jobs such as reporter,newscaster or even selling newspaper. Cause they are so into news!
Ya'll do know how pain isit when that person finds out? I've been in this position before. Trust me, a bee sting in your arse is way better than hearing those stinging words.
Gossip less,won't kill ya. Gossip good stuff is nothing wrong. But gossiping about someone and it isn't truth.Gosh,you have to see a psychiatrist.
Really,my post offends you. And if it does. Sorry,this is my opinion
Posted by
2:48 PM