Lost in volleyball competition..
deserve to win but lost
Flunked in KH totally
Expecting a D..
a D will be much better than E
please..dun give me E
Other subs are okay
i guess?
Many cheaters around in the test
I myself have played a tiny part in cheating
a tiny one only okay
unlike some people in my class
put answers in a piece of paper
or write down on their table
or some even shoved it on into their ass
it will be transmitted to their brain
cuz their brain at their ass?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Bad week
Posted by
11:49 PM
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Intervension is just around the corner and I barely even touch a book yet..
Well,trust me,its not a good thing..
To anyone who thinks that people without studying + getting good result is better than those who study and get good results are so wrong~
Mind you,those who are lazy but smart will have a lower chance of being successful
and those who are hardworking have high chance
get the equation?
About intervension,my teacher gave alot of tips
When I say alot,i mean alot..as in the whole paper
Whats the point giving tips?
I hate it to be honest
Thats why I never copy any of them when my teacher gave the tips
It's ridiculous..
Thumbs up to Cochrane
Jux because its paper 2..they gave out tips
soooooo lameeee
oh well,I'm gonna study this afternoon to ensure i won't get 5A 2B or 6A 1B again
my father will take every possible advantage to 'gasak' me
thats it for now
Posted by
10:17 AM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Right call!
Well,today i got robbed..
I rather take out the positive from this incident
I managed to escaped unharmed and lose rm2 to 'thieves'
How I did it?
Once they approach to me
they ask for RM1,i didn't hesitate to give
and they ask for another 1..
which I gave
My last RM1,i told them i need it for bus fare
How did I lose RM2 only?
I carried more than that obviously,
but I HAVE PREDICTED that I will be robbed today
I predicted 2 person will be coming to me
before i left school,i put my wallet and valuable watch inside my school bag
only taking out RM3 to give those beggars
2 for them
1 for my bus fare
Ain't I smart or what?=D
Heres the thing,I tried to avoid them
as soon as I came out from JJ
I saw a group of hooligans at a distance
So,i tried using other route
unfortunately I was spotted by them
And also I was very polite,
i did not want trouble,so,i kept my temper
and be polite=D
No worries for me
they are gonna get wallap tomorrow or some other day by my friend brothers
For more info jux ask me!
Posted by
7:30 PM
Sunday, April 12, 2009
2dae went restaurant..
opposite me,a beautiful gal sat
i tink shes 13-15
when i say opposite i mean next table
keep looking at her
i did not get her pic nor num
her parents was there
basically theres too many ppl
anyway,i know u all dont care about it
to u-know-who..dun get mad at me ahh cuz of tis post..
Posted by
10:31 PM
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I'm back..
and I'm not sure when my next post will be
oh well
I've forgotten what i wanna post ady
Kay,im gonna make it short
no elaboration
My english teacher gonna put me into the school debate team
PJ teacher will be out for 1 month
damn sad
Volleyball tournament on 20th of April
Intervensi 20th of April
Okay,i seriously hate this
I hate to retake exams/tests
I tell you why
cause its cheating~
I will know at least 5 answers to each paper
and thats already minimum
At least i dun have to retake Sejarah and Geo=D
Thats great news
Seriously is
No way on Earth one can be smart by re-taking exams/tests all the time
Why does each time I represent school for something,and that will be the time my test will be on?
Anyway thats it
I lazy to post so long=D
Missed you like crazy...
Wanna know why I miss?
ask me at MSN
I will tell the answer to everybody
Posted by
11:41 PM
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Lost of inspiration to blog
I tried my utmost to find back the inspiration to blog
to reply comments at fs
but it FAILED
I don't even feel like blogging,facebook-ing,friendster-ing
I will be back
but no time will be given out=D
it could take 1 week or afew months
who knows?
i got my class position
quite demeaning to see people who got worse result than me ahead of me
New system sucks=.=
I was demoted 4 places down cause of it
I have alot to post
but i don't feel like blogging
I have alot of comments at my friendster
but i don't feel like replying
I love facebook
but i don't feel like checking
But don't worry about me ya=D
I'm always happy
inside and out
Posted by
12:35 AM