First time in my life I played a part in killing a ......
Errr..What was that again?
The 1 which look like Mickey Mouse brother
A rat/mouse
It all happened yesterday..
A rat came into the koperasi
So,me and my friends manhunt the rat..
The rat was fast..
Keep escaping and prevailing our roadblocks
In the end,a passerby kicked the rat airborne and hitting the ceiling..
So,it basically dies=D
About 6 person was chasing the rat,but in the end a passerby killed it
how frustrating for us=(
Anyway tomorrow I will be getting my class position
I think=D
GTG parents are back
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Would you believe it?
Posted by
7:30 PM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Tagged!First ever
I'm so boring..
After doing this tag,I'll be doing my KGT already=D
Tag 10 humaN:
2.Rebecca~Teddy lover
7.Chia Jene
Why you tagged im/her as numberone/
Noone else to tagged=D
Do you met number 2 before?
Uhh..When was it again?Standard 3 I guess=D
What will you talk when you meet number 3?
I talk about anything=D
What is the relationship of number 4& 5?
What is number 6 favourite singer?
the hot and sexy Lady GaGa=D *edited*
What is number 7 favourite show?
Do I look like a stalker to u?P.S..tats not a show..LOL
Do you talk with number 8?
In the mirror?yea..Give self-confidence?yes..
How does number 9 look like?
Pretty!Abit under-height!
Who is number 10's lover?
Junho..I guess?haha
Which numbers are couples?
4 and 5=D
P.S..none of u have to do this Tagged=D
Complimentary from ME
Posted by
5:21 PM
What!?Sunday already?
Sweat..I'm so dead
It's close to 2am now
Boy oh Boy
9 days flew past by like it was only 5 days
I know~
I always whine about how fast time travels
It's already Sunday
And I haven't started doing my oral material nor my KGT
I'm so left out=S
But I'm sure I can do them within 2 hours the most=D
And I will use last year's 1..
So,I got my work cut short
Besides that,I've been MIA for 3 days
Never been far though..
Just out of topic to post
I noticed theres a slight declined when I do not update my blog
I could not help myself not to mention about Earth Day
It seems like almost all bloggers are mentioning about it
And that's what irritates me to be honest
Oh well,who could stop them from doing so
I'm gonna start a Water Day too=D
2 hours no water
Just kidding
P.s-MIA=Missing In Action
Posted by
1:51 AM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Our Past vs Present (History vs Future)
Remember when we were young?
Around 7~10 years old
Where our school teacher regardless whatever type of teacher it is substitute teacher,relief teacher,BM or English teacher,could be even your headmaster-ask you a question
What is your ambition?
Here are the common types of ambition given by us to the teacher
Doctor,Lawyer,Engineer,Pilot,Police(rare but got),Sports Personality,Teacher,Scientist and afew more
Some people(including me) don't know our ambition,and we just give whichever ambition said by our friends the most
And some of us never changed our mind about what we wanna be in the future
That's good!
And at this age too,When asked what is our ambition
Answers are almost the same except there are more varieties.
Do you know there are 1 million over types of job in this world?
I might not know the specific amount of jobs in this world but I can assured you there are more than 100 millions
You can never predict your future.
Don't narrow your ambition to just one
Think big,do research about jobs
One day,it could be vital
To those who wanna be doctor,only 1/100 will pursued it
The rest?I don't know
You decide your future
But I can assured you,with good education tonnes of job are there for you
Without education?Hard life~
Competition are high in our generation.
Have at least 20 ambitions.
And lastly,I wish you good luck!
In every journey,it always start with the first step!
p.s-All the numbers inside this post are estimation
Posted by
8:37 PM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I'm touched
Here's what my father send to me
I'm truly touched by this message
an inspirational 1
To dream to become successful is a good thing.As big achievement start with a dream.Dream will be forever a dream if you don't put effort and strategy to make it come true.But in any dream there is a large amount of failures to 1 success.So,its important to have a insurance.That insurance is your studies.If your dream don't come true,u can always rely on your studies with good result to earn a good income 4 you and your family later on.So better study hard now as dream can wait after your exam.So stop wasting time!Study!
The reason my father tell me this is because he don't want me to be like him
That is earning low income.To him low la.LOL..
He also know that I want to be super rich and he also knows that I'm very ambitious..
That's the reason why he sent me this SMS
But now,I'm gonna spread it to all
Let us all rule the world=D
Posted by
11:28 PM
Earth Hour 2009
Earth Hour 2009 – What Will You Be Doing?
Cuddling up with your loved ones and admiring the stars in the night sky or organising a treasure hunt in the dark? At 8:30pm on Saturday 28 March, people from all corners of the world will turn off their lights for one hour - Earth Hour - and cast their vote for action on climate change. Anybody can participate and join together with millions of people across the globe celebrating Earth Hour.
Earth Hour is about taking simple steps everyday that collectively reduce carbon emissions – from businesses turning off their lights when their offices are empty to households turning off appliances rather than leaving them on standby.
Here are 10 different ways to spend Earth Hour and reduce your carbon footprint:
1. Attend a local Earth Hour event or organise your own by throwing an Earth Hour street party with your neighbours
2. Gather family & friends for a night picnic in your local park and look at the stars
3. Enjoy a family dinner by candlelight
4. Organise a treasure hunt in the dark
5. Take the dog for a night walk
6. Have a candle-lit bath
7. Sit in the dark and share stories
8. Organise a family night playing board games
9. Share a romantic night in with your loved one
10. Upload your ‘on the night’ photos and videos to flickr and YouTube respectively, and then add them to the Earth Hour flickr group and the global YouTube Group.
Earth Hour Executive Director, Andy Ridley, is encouraging people to participate in whatever way they choose and to think beyond the hour.
“There are no hard and fast rules surrounding participation in Earth Hour. We only ask that you flick that switch and have fun doing whatever you choose to do during that time.
Make Earth Hour work for you. Families with young children should feel free to turn their lights off earlier than 8:30pm and for those having too much fun in the dark during the hour, don’t feel you have to limit yourself to one hour and switch back on at 9:30pm.”
To find out more about Earth Hour, visit the official website, sign up and join millions of people in more than 1,400 cities and towns in 80 countries throughout the world by turning off your lights for one hour at 8:30pm on Saturday 28 March.
Taken out from
And here's what I have to say-
I'm gonna support it
Although 1 hour isn't much,at least it means something
There's a message
We have all play a part in destroying the Earth
okay I'm exaggerating,we didn't destroy but we did made it worse
So,turn off your lights for 1 hour.
PAYBACK for what you did to this beautiful Earth
Remind your parents about this
I'm as guilty as everyone else too cause I've been blogging too much
Wasting too much electricity
Some of us will be thinking
Oh..1 hour..What's the difference?It only adding the Earth lifespan by 1hour
You could be right and you could be wrong
Why?I tell you why
Every second is precious
In that space of an hour,who knows what could happen?
Researches,Scientist and dot dot dot(lack of knowledge in this part) could find a way to prevent Doom Day!
I bet you're not gonna forgive yourselves if you cause the World to End
I rest my case
One World,One Hour
Posted by
12:28 PM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Out from boredom,I shall post something boring too
Haih,I'm so boring
double posting in a day is my last option
so,you know la,how bored am I
Since,I have to study tomorrow
I will talk a little about how to be successful in studies and sports
Fact is,I ain't that successful in these fields
but hey!
Simon Cowell can't sing,but he got ears!
Fashion Police can't even wear his underwear properly,instead wearing backwards!
So,there's nothing wrong giving a piece of my mind~
In studies~
There's not many shortcuts in studies
The rules are simple
The more u study,the smarter you are..
Thats the basic which everyone knows
What some of us dont know is some people are born smarter than another
somehow thats true
Ability to study is consider as a talent,right?
And there comes another problem,those are who are born smart tend to be very cocky
Taking tests for granted
Doing revision less than others
They are taking a huge risk in this
Now we go to the not born smart type
They can be smarter than the born smart type without a shadow of a doubt if they put effort in it
Why?cause they put effort and they take things seriously
So,if you do the same..
You can be top in every subject
I can place my wage on u(if its legal!)
Another way to be a better student is of course..
making a timetable
good time management
truth is,I find it hard to believe,and thought it was bullshit
Now I think its true
well,it is more effective for lazy people though
cause they have no control over themselves
So,if u're a lazy person,I suggest you plan a schedule
Lastly,study smart
Study hard and study smart are 2 different thing
Study hard is u put long hours,stressing urself,straining ur eyes
while study smart
is all about relaxation
And also making formulas out of nothing
anything can be done as long as u study smartly
I can't really explain how to study smartly
So,I'm sorry about it
Fact is I can remember alot of things in geo,kh and Sc
All formula,and also understanding the concept
Thats why i rarely revise on sc,and geo
Hope this post helps
Posted by
10:51 PM
Labels: Others
How I spent my holiday at Cherating
Where to start hmm?
Nothing interesting happen there
just an ordinary holiday i guess
On the first day it was raining all day long
as soon as I arrived then it started raining
maybe I bad luckgua
But that didnt stop me from swimming!
on the same day I got a cold..haha
The rain only stop on the next day around lunch time..
well most of the time spent at Cherating is within hotel bound only
Here are the activities I did
Fighting with waves..LOL..some of the waves are taller than me..So,just imagine..
Sauna..fuyoo~..Damn hot le..90 degrees all the time..Burn alive~
Ping ler..haha usual la..I win my bro=P
drinking i was not drunk
Smoke cigar..just 3 times ony..and it was 3 consecutive times anyway..
I think that sums up my holiday trip in Cherating..
Posted by
3:44 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Bon Voyage
I'll be heading to Cherating for my sweet escape tomorrow
So,I will not be blogging
On the other hand,I will be enjoying my time there!
swimming,tennis,gym(which I won't go),pool,table tennis,beach soccer
so many things I can play at there
But so little time will be spending at there
I'll be back on tuesday
My hotel ain't that great>.<
Just 4-star
Been there a couple of times
My mum said they just renovated..
That's interesting
I'll be hoping to take afew pics
so,I can post it here
No promises though=D
Cya,don't wanna be ya
But will miss ya
Posted by
2:16 AM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Waste of my 2 hours
Oh My!
I'm sure all Manchester United fans out there will be kicking themselves for watching the match with Liverpool
I know I am!
We got off to a great start by taking the lead through Ronaldo penalty
pure class I have to say.
And then Vidic,of a all players made a mistake which lead to a sublime taken goal by Fernando Torres
And just before half-time Evra brought down Stevie G in the penalty box
Which lead to a another goal~
Overall-First half was quite boring by MANU
2nd half wasn't any better
Fact is,it was worse
Vidic bringing down Stevie G and earned himself a well-deserved red card
Well,that sums Vidic poor match
Riera made no mistake from the free-kick
Van Der Sar could only kick the ball out of the goalmouth
And Liverpool wrap things up with a wonderful chip by Dossena
Players who play like school kids during the match(arrange from the worse to the worst)
1.Carrick-nothing was going right for him
2.Ronaldo-he couldn't even pass Liverpool defenders
3.Anderson-whole load of crap.One footer and I don't even know why he's in the team
4.Vidic-A poor poor match from him..Considering he's 1 of the favourite to pick up the PFA player of the season
Statistics-Whenever Ronaldo scores at OT MANU will win(48 games inarow)And now it has ended.
Manu has conceded 6 goals to Liverpool this season and replying just 2 goals
That's it from me=)
Going Cherating tomorrow
Will be back on Tuesday
Posted by
11:28 PM
Pondering my next move
I've been putting a lot of thinking about my future
I just couldn't help not to think about it especially it involve money and love
Throughout the week, I've been thinking of making some $$
At age 15,generating cash is obviously a bonus
Best part of it,with the cash you earn you can do whatever you want with it
Are my/your parents gonna scold if we burn the money?
Okay la,thats exaggerating..they sure scold,and we won't burn money
Are they gonna stop you from changing phone?buy laptop?put surround sound speaker in your room?
Fact is they can't do much about it
Whether you work part time or making money online,you stil have the rights to do whatever you want with the $$
Thats why I'm seriously thinking of making a niche blog(money making blog)
But I'm stuck with what type of thing should I talk about
There's so many thing I do about
It's not easy to think of something that suits me
Anything amount of money earn is a bonus
From a simple blog create,
I could earn around $50~$100000 monthly
I've done alot of research already
Don't be suprise if you see me coming to school with a sport car when I'm 17
In life,the starting is always the hardest
At the age of 15,we're mature enough to think for ourselves and for the future
Our future will not be loitering in town but rather working for $$
and if there's 1 valuable lesson my father always remind me
Without education,you're basically close to nothing
A head start is what everybody needs
think for your future,make a decision
Posted by
1:56 PM
Friday, March 13, 2009
Time is as fast a Ferrari?
Don't you think every year
the time move faster?
like it or not,it does feel time flies very fast
Whether you're enjoy yourself in a pub or in school,
or hearing our history teacher talking crap which can lead to brain damage
or when the time you wait for a bus
Its already mid of March closing in on April Fool
Tomorrow will be the start of our first one-week holiday of the year
Ohh~~..Trust me,it will fly faster
Love or hate it
can you stop time?
oh no you can't regardless of what you are
Even Hiro Nakamura will be crying
Even he could not slow 1 damn second in reality
No matter how superior you are,you are still very vulnerable to time
I love the fact that I'm edging closer to being an adult
I'm 15 by the way
At the same time,I know I'll miss the school days when I start to work
So,my advise to you all
Enjoy your school days,do whatever that makes you feel happy
That's the reason why I act like a child at times
Cause it makes me feel good
You won't get a better chance to feel childish in your life
If you think stress is getting over you,
Sorry to say, you're an idiot!
Before I end my post,I would like to say
Time waits for no man
Posted by
8:02 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Im so tired~~
Started of the day with KH
I was in charged of sander
it sucks
Then PJK
play til 9.25..
which means 5 mins after rehat end,still playing
9.40 went Science Seminar
was quite fun
Obviously,i made a few jokes in the process
and the Speaker was praising me cause i can answer all her questions
Basically,did not study the whole day
Afta skul
went for volleyball tryouts
I just pick up volleyball fortnight ago
Improving drastically~
But i was rubbish during the tryouts
nothing was going right,still managed to enter la
it ended at 4.10
Took bus,reached grandma house at 4.40
bath and eat burger
5pm go take bus again
this time to tuition
Well,all i can say is I'm very very very tired~
Burned every single energy I have in me
thinking hard for the future
Posted by
8:34 PM
Monday, March 9, 2009
Moving Backwards
It's so sad to see that people are protesting over Science and Maths being taught in English
Well,to me both are the same
still easy whether its in English or BM
To you all,I don't know
What are the benefits learning all this in English?
Let me tell you,from my point of view
English is the Universal Language
and BM is the ??..ahh..yess..our national language
Okay here's the case
If SC and Maths are reverted to BM back again
How are the Malays gonna speak English fluently?
How is the country gonna develop with majority of our leaders cant even speak properly English?
Are we gonna speak to leaders from other country using Sign Language?
English is so damn important
Wawasan 2020 will not be achieved with uneducated people loitering around..
Probably WAWASAN 3030 can la
Teachers in Perak having hard time to teach?
is that so?
Com'on la
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell you that English is very easy to learn
There are many other reasons too
I'm sure you can think of it
All I can say is it would be a step backwards if the Government does decide to revert it back into BM
I don't understand it at all
Theres no new to review!
Just stick to English!
For the sake of the country...
Til I post again
Posted by
3:24 PM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Two Timer
nice title right?
no no
its not about love
its about 2 schools
I two-timed Cochrane and Convent
Here's the case
Today my school(Cochrane) is celebrating our 44th School Sports Day
and Convent Peel Road is having their FAMILY DAY
I went both!
Though it was hard to get out from the stadium
I managed to escape with the help of a signed letter from my mum
And oso I ran 100m today
I came in 4th or 5th
Something I expected already
Cause I ain't 100%..
ada injury ma~
It was quite pain in the last 20m where the pain really kicked in
But thats okay!
Fact is this is the first time I run in a running event without a medal
my record gone ady
And it was 10am
time for me to go Convent
Boy,that school is a maze
It was hard to know where am I
But I was given warm hospitality by afew friends and newly-friends
Everybody I met at Convent was wonderful,friendly,smart and funny~
I regretted not taking pictures with them
Lack of time
Wasted 45 mins lining up for something which I didnt go,in the end
wait til no patient liao
Oh well~
It was fun knowing them
and I had a great time today
I hope they will come to my school "Hari Keusahawanan" in April
This time,sure will take pictures
Til I post again
Posted by
1:57 PM
Friday, March 6, 2009
Lets play a little game here,alright?
unfortunately that doesn't has happen for me this week
It's a hectic week
Though I had fun throughout the week
Its very stressful 1
I have to pass up all my latihan and nota book for Pengetua to check
which means
I have to update all my work
Then I got sukan tahunan tomorrow
I still havent explain/tell to my teacher that I have to go early
Right after my 100m event
which means cancelling of 2 other events
I got alot of things to do la,this week
nuff said
I can't even recall some of them
Til I post Again..
busy reading "make money online"
Posted by
8:29 PM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Lots of laugh
I can bet with anyone of you who try and tell me laughing ain't good..
Place your ante,and i'll match your wages
Seriously la
Today Science class(tuition) was damn funny~~
On the scale of 1 to 10
I'll give a 9
It's about male reproductive system
I don't wanna talk about it too much lar
Its high classified
I probably laugh about 20~40 times daily
Probably 75% of it are from my jokes
But thats not my point la
my point is laughing is good
We should laugh as much as possible
From a 7cm lips to 15cm lips in 1 hour=)
Okay la
basically I'm crapping cause I don't know what to post
Something pissed me off today
As most of ya'll know I got 3rd for 200m
So,today was prize giving
and I didn't receive my medal
there goes my pride
I'll be taking my medal back tomorrow
Til I Post Again
Posted by
8:31 PM
Monday, March 2, 2009
SuperHuman..Thats what I'm
Call me perasan or whatever
I don't care
I went out there running 200m finals(although its much longer than 200m)
I put on a brave show out there
I might not came in first
but i did not came in last
I got 3rd place
Happy?Not really
Satisfy is the word
Theres 3 good reasons why I should be proud of my 3rd place
1st-I got really bad lane..Theres water hole everywhere,uneven ground..almost fell twice
2nd reason-im down with flu,mild fever and sore throat
3rd reason-im still carrying an injury..isit appendix?i hope not~
Kay.200m is done
I might pull out in another 2 events if my injury havent fully recover which means
im gonna take part in 100m on sukan tahunan
Just maybe~
nothing confirm yet
Nothing special happen in school today
except me wandering around,helping teachers and so on
My voice is really very rough
At times i could hardly talk!
Its gonna get ugly before it gets pretty
Til I post again,
Posted by
1:54 PM
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Oh My..I can't shout!
I got no voice..
only can talk
but very rough
i cant do the Michael Jackson shout ady
you know,the squeaky sound
nor I can give ucap to teachers tomorrow
yay..som1 else gonna get my job
for once
Though I got good news
I've recover from 1 of my injury
and Im still nursing another
Im beginning to think that this injury is more serious then i assumed it is
Lets see how it goes okay?
Guys and Girls!
Wish me luck for tomorrow 200m
I want Gold~..
til I post again..
Posted by
9:32 PM