I wasn't very disappointed considering I did not touch any book except on the day of the exam
which is about 30 mins of revision lar
Science 88
Maths 89
LAST BUT NOT LEAST MY ENGLISH=68+5(this 5 marks is for everyone in my class an additional 2 marks to those who perform a dialogue)
My english was suprisingly joint highest in the class
All I can say is my teacher earned my respect for giving such marks to my class
She made me realize something I never once ever think of this
that my english is not good enough
I'm not disappointed but rather thankful and happy to have her as my teacher
I'm gonna triple my effort=)
A total of 6A 1B with a very unconvincing percentage of 81%
I'll try my best to post my class position once I know it
Til I post again
Jay Tee=)
Friday, February 27, 2009
My results
Posted by
8:27 PM
Last Sunday
here's an update that I promised what happen on Sunday
And as some of you know,
it was my cousin wedding
it was held on 21st and 22nd of February..
22nd of Feb was a wedding dinner at Equatorial Hotel
It was very nice la
My second time being that hotel for a wedding dinner
Both are doctors
I tink trainee doctor is the right word
From 8 to 11pm
well,I had alot of fun
especially when yam seng time
My table consist of my family ,uncle and aunties
Only my father,brother and I shouted the loudest in our table
Well,our table was 2nd loudest
nothing to be ashamed of
considering the winner are youngsters and majority are guys
I did have 1 and a half glass of wine
it was quite nice la
cause it was sweet,bitter
heres 2 picture from the wedding dinner
my glass of wine
my bro and me
Next post-My Results
Posted by
8:14 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
So far so good
This week is quite okay lar
except painful
physical pain only
within 3 days(including today)
many events happen
but I only will touch on afew
Let's start of with yesterday saringan
I was supposed to run in 200m and 4x400m
200m was saringan la if i made it then would enter the final
and 4x400m was akhir
I've been carrying an injury since last wednesday,after 4x100m MSSKL
and it has been worse after 200m
I couldn't go on after the 200m semi final heat
Thank Lord it rain!
though raining with an injury I managed to post the 2nd best time
Not bad huh?
And i got 2 extra injury
i hoping to shake off my 3 injuries by tomrrow
please please please
a sharp pain when i run
even walking
now its much much worse
so,im not hoping for medals in 200m
jux accept watever results i get lor
My results are okay lar
i'll post a full result of my result on friday
and also
2 pictures from sunday wedding..
I want to post more but i really got to go
til i post again
Posted by
7:17 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Busy Week ahead
Its gonna be a busy week,
either heartbreaking or joy
Combination of both probably
This Monday sure got take exam papers!
not really
oh yeah..damn nervous
But im trying to be as optimistic as I can over my results
Then on Wednesday and thursday
Saringan and Akhir for few events
a little bit
100m,200m,400m,4x100m and 4x400m
I think 4x100m and 400m got no saringan on both of tat days
100m sure saringan,200m akhir,4x400 akhir too
Expecting a gold and a silver=)
Probably expectations are too high
but heck cares
My life quite boring la
Only about sports and results
I dont have alot of secrets to share also
I also getting less and less topics to post
but I'm very active..
Go wedding dinner
til I post again
Posted by
6:13 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Well,today was my cousin wedding
Nothing to be ashamed of right?
Well,I'm ashamed cause I did something very stupid lar
His wedding took place at St.Ignatius Church
And my mistake was
I dress informal
I jux wore a brown jeans and a T-shirt
I look at others and look at myself also want to curse ady
but can't
in the house of God
Thats all la
Tomorrow got wedding dinner
so,it will be fun
1 table cost RM1000= =
my family have to pay RM500
let's hope its value for money
til I post again,Adiue
Posted by
10:32 PM
Friday, February 20, 2009
88!my lucky number
once again this mark came back to me
like my friend la
My science got 88,well its better than 95!
cause I every year sure get this number 1=)
but I seriously have alot of catching up to do la for next intervensi!
1 part i need to be careful!
that is be more careful!
No more careless mistake!
no more!
tak mau lagi!
its a habit to make careless mistake
during this exam
3 paper=30 marks gone cuz of carelessness
Im expecting another 20 marks to fly too
in my last 4 papers
I'm so scare right now!
3B =3 people got A for BM ony!
3E =? people will get A for BM
I dont want to streak of 7A's to end cause of BM again!
Again school website got my face!
countless amount of times ady
they wanna market me la I think
Til,i post again!
Posted by
7:56 PM
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Argh!Stupid marks!
My marks quite bad la
well,it isn't if im comparing with the next class
but my class make me look like nothing against them
I have no choice la but to compare wit my class
always compare with the best!
Actually i got 2 results ony
both also 80
KH and maths
rugi lar maths
damn easy
but damn careless at the same time
on the scale of 1 to 10,my carelessness,i give a 9
It's the paper which everyone can ace it
but ending up with shitty marks
Wanna know how to be careless?ask me la
Don't wanna make careless mistakes?ask me too
KH no comment la
never study mar
Today i had my PSK and Seni test,maths and sejarah too..cause yesterday represent school ma
PSK,targeted 10 mins but I took 12 mins
got 50 questions la
20 objective and 30 subjective
Arts,no need say la
I always become the laughing stock of my class each time i try to draw
As long as Im happy,I don't care
Thats about it lar..
Til I post again,Bye
Posted by
8:31 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Luck Doesn't Favour Me
Well,my title says it all
1st thing happened was on yesterday
My fren call me to come for training yesterday
and then,i never bring anything lor
so,from my grandmother house i took bus back home to get my stuffs
then i on the comp and play awhile
budden,i forgot to unplugged the internet line
guess what?
Heavy rain! wit thunderstorm
hujan perolakan
I shudnt have stepped out of my face
I didn't went training also
all i did was go back my grandmother house
wat a waste
i shud jux stay at home
SAVED-nothing happen to my computer
2nd event
Happened today!
today i got running lah
4x100m zon pudu
heres the funny part!
they register me wrong!
means i cant join the race!
wtf - -
someone ganti me
I was so freaking mad
i wanted to go home
but i want to consult my teacher first
so have to wait for him
dono where he went la
SAVED- by my teacher,and my running team
they managed to get into the finals
and my name was back in the final
3RD event
Well,u guessed it
you see
my school running team basically targeted first or second in 4x100m
we didn't really achieve that due to
1.starter was slow(he was very tired afta running 200m events 3 times)
2.2nd runner fault(me)I take the blame cause I stopped
guess why i stop?
as i said starter was very tired
and each time i move forward he look like cant run ady
so i have to stop and take the baton from him
3.3rd runner was basically rubbish..he let people cut him and he did not cut anyone..conclusion is-slow
SAVED-by the last runner
he helped us gain no.3 spot
means got medal la!
Everytime something unlucky happen,I/we managed to gain back abit of luck
I felt our school team performances could have been better if i would have did better
Fact is from the first runner til the 4th runner in our skul are almost same speed
so,its a waste la
nvm la
still got nex year
Intervenshit sucks la
so many soalan bocor
its really unfair
but i play fair
i havent take my sej and maths paper
but i wont ask people to give me the questions la
of coz
Bye bye!end of story
Posted by
7:21 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Ah!OuCh!Hoi Sakit la!
my post title says it all
I skipped school to go olahraga training
well,wasn't my idea
my teacher's
I practiced from 7.30 until 10.30
Did 5 laps of jogging
then streching
then running drills
long jump
high jump
sprinting on the bend
Funny thing is
The last thing I did was the most important of all and the second last too
and I was overly exhausted that time
I still managed to clock a slow but solid 13.1secs for 100m on the bend
3 reasons why im slow
1.tired afta doing 3 hrs practice
2.its running on the curve
3.muscle pain
and i have 1 reason to be proud of
my time was the best among my 3 other relay partner
they clock 13.3 and 13.5
It's jux a very tiring day
Actually,my post title should be HAPPY VALENTINE DAY
but nvm la
Hope y'all have a wonderful Valentine
I'm still unsure of mine!
But i can surely bet its a tiring 1
Auf Wiedersehen! (German)
Posted by
5:06 PM
Friday, February 13, 2009
U-Turn decision
I made a U-Turn
cause I feel that my talent for running should not be wasted
so,I opted to run in the relays
Although Im the co-fastest runner in the school,I don't want to take so many events
cause i have intervenshit
Im sure all F3 have it
today is my first latihan of the year
its pain
and tomorrow have to ponteng school to go stadium
for practice
then on wednesday sudah lari
i will miss my maths and sej test!
my father scold me for running
he said
I told you not to run but u still wanna run!
And I said "aiyo!1 day ony la!"
im very tired
in pain rather than tired
Posted by
8:06 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
2nd Post of the day-IntervenSHIT
InvervenSHIT..Its not my word la
I got it from Sara..
must give credit de=)
Well,I felt boring and I just finished my maths homework
so,I wanna update la
I got something that i wanted to type out in the earlier post but i didn't
Today my fren really kantoi la
I'll try my best to explain kay?
First,Club Leo are organizing a chocolate deliver to whoever it is la on valentine day
And they gave us a paper
to fill in
whoever are interested
boy,i tell you,response are FANTASTIC
An amazing 0 people want to buy
So,my fren took the paper and wrote
famous personality names into it
and then my school panitia science teacher and PK HEM into it
It was suppose to be a joke la
He even wrote my name in it
but then
the bell ring
so,club leo member came and collect the paper
the best part is
my fren didn't erased it!
and today
the leader of club leo came to our class and gave back the paper
Well,I don't know la
whether did they showed to teacher anot
if show
I will take some responsibility as a class monitor
but i'll blame my fren for it too
I guess,I'll know my fate tomorrow
Hoping for the best!
And as for intervenSHIT
i havent do any revision whatsoever
I just dont feel like doing
I dont know why><
See la..how i feel on saturday and sunday
i'll probably do
Tomorrow school football team selection
guess who wont be there tomorrow?
Me lah
Waste of time only..
no hope 1 la my school
nevertheless,one of my fren is going
maybe he can cover my position la
theres afew reasons why i quit football
1.i can't grow much taller if i continue playing football...playing at primary school is okay..but playing when in the process of growing is not recommended at all
2.No future-I don't see any future in playing football,i've already got a good certificate..so,don't need anymore
3.Disappointed cause didn't get any jawatan last year..My leadership skills are way better than the school captain..I felt I'm more ready to wear the armband..2nd time it happen..One more was in primary..I just feel that its cause im a chinese,i didn't get any jawatan
but i still have a strong passion for football
though it'll never ever been the same ever again
Im focusing on sports which i'm more interested in
its all related to arm
badminton and basketball can help me grow taller^^
jump alot 1
basketball more la
Wish an advance Valentine Day to everyone
especially to those who are in relationships and just anybody la
to those who are single..
Don't worry
theres always a next time
As for me,I'll probably remain single
BUT i'll never know until something happens
Nites!Sweeet dreams!Adios Amigos!
Posted by
11:19 PM
Oh Shit!
I forgotten to take back the paper
and the paper is supposed to hand in today
though the paper isn't very important
but if i failed to pass it up
some of my classmate will miss out in the kelas nadi
who to blame?
95% is me la
I saw the teacher
so,i took out from my bag
and left in under my table
wanted to gave it later but forgot la
rest of the blame is probably the teacher
she walk pass by my class
and didn't even wait for me to give the paper
Though i hope i can recover the paper back tomorrow and hand in asap
kay la
actually i got ntg to post d
so,jux filling in my blog
P.S doing maths homework
swt..its alot
Au Revoir
Posted by
8:30 PM
Monday, February 9, 2009
I wish I could scream now!
It's holiday and I'm not enjoying is very much
cause in the next 2 hours
I have to start doing my homework and do a quick revision
Maths homework
I love doing maths homework
but why do i hate it?
copy question
It's just a waste of time!
I have other homeworks as well
such as
But I don't even bother to do it
lack of interest la
Well,Imma do a revision for form 1 and 2
for lets say a good 2 hours?
to cover kh,geo,sej,science
2 hours is more than enough to me
I have photographic memory for books!
thats what makes me job so easy
read afew times can remember liao
I've been lucky,i guess over the recent results I've been getting
or my brain starting to work harder?
Frankly,I dont know
All I care is aceing every test
For the record,I wanted to go through this intervensi without opening a book
But that is very risky
Might get ban if my results are EXCELLENT(sarcasm)
It's a way to test my memory too
and another way to prove people wrong about doing revision
Revision is very good
but I feel,if u're good enof
why even bother reading=)
But i'm not saying I'm good enof la
Don't interpret wrong message
Posted by
11:33 AM
Friday, February 6, 2009
Mouse Dilemma
Actually I wanted to post something related to health and wealth
But after deep consideration
I chose not to
Reasons are classified
My mouse is getting old(5 months)
and condition quite bad(hardcore usage)
I'm thinking of changing to a gaming mouse
Cause I'm a gamer
Whether I'm pro or not
you have to see it yourself to judge
My budget is not very high
Just around RM70
I wanted to get a good brand that is Razer or A4TECH
But it's over my budget
So,Im stuck between Gigabyte GM-M6880 and Gigabyte GM-M6800
Both are almost similar
Just some specs and price
I would really appreciate if anyone could recommend me other better gaming mouse or help me to decide between those 2
Thank you=)
My week was great=)
Basically every week is a great week
I just can't find negative elements out of any of the weeks I've been through
Probably its because my life is perfect?
Who knows right?
Form 3 is great
It has been quite easy to be honest
in terms of all the subs
But it's ony the start
Posted by
10:59 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
What a great day
Sukantara was only about 1 hour
pretty fast considering all rumah sukan did on the same day
4 events
averaging about 15 mins per event,i guess?
first up was high jump
I was the first to go and the first to pass
piece of cake
I used back my old jumping technique,just to give it a try
Just so u all know
I never use that technique for 3 years already
since my left elbow joint fractured=X
Quite a number of green house members cleared high jump
2ND UP was 100m
I was very cocky about 100m
I was bragging all the way
I was saying ala,i run backwards also can get first!
I occupied my fav lane..that is the first lane
Well,I didn't exactly ran backwards but I did gave my compatriots a headstart
I started 0.3 second later than all of them
I managed to take a look at their gap before i move
Here's the fun part!
Within 10 steps,Im ahead of them
Towards the end I ran sidewards!
Still managed a comfortable gap between me and the rest
Sorry guys,for showboating
3rd was Lontar Peluru
It was quite fun also
I was forced to go first although I wasn't confident about it
I look at the range and I said to myself
are u sure?
So,i just gave my best shot
and my best shot earn me a very far throw
probably top5
Its consider to be very good cause I ain't a big guy
last but not least was long jump
I didn't get to go first this time
Cause I wanted a longer run-in towards the sand
So,I let alot of them go first
I managed to get into top speed and then
I passed but probably about 4.20m only
way of my personal best
Recently my long jump performance has dipped
Only 4 people passed long jump..Sad thing
Overall only about 2 or 3 people from green house completed the "All-Star achievement"
Once again,En.Alex came to me again
he asked me to join the running team for relay that is 4x100m
to complete the dream team
I was quite interested but i turned down the offer
due to intervensi and no transport to go training
I let the school down on this..
Everyday,school football players will come to me and
ask me to join U-15
once again
I have no transport and I have tuition
the presence of me in midfield will be missed dearly
Reason is
I have the most powerful kick in the team(not boasting,but its the fact)
and have the best long ball passing also
no suprise lar=)
Anyway,I had fun
thats all it matters to me
I'm sure everybody had fun
Posted by
7:20 PM
Monday, February 2, 2009
I just found that PMR wil be held on 7 to 9 and continued on 12 to 13 october.
It c0uldnt start on m0nday cux it wud be too early! Wth?
I dnt knw whether i wil be supportin the date.
But i knw it could cme in gud. Bt i reli reli dnt knw lah. Have a say by droppin a c0mment or leave it at my chat box
Posted by
9:53 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I love holidays
Don't you all just love holidays?!
I'll be doing my homework tomorrow due to holiday
NOT exactly
You see,i wanted to get the book in the afternoon but then I forgotten
I'd just bought it
So,Imma do it tomorrow
to 3E students I know you all hate the homework given by Pn.Mardiana(I respect her)
that is to do every single chapter of HOT SNOW(Panas Salju) synopsis
Well,I had my first can of Carlsberg yesterday..
And maybe I ticked off 1 of my friend cause I was drunk(Finding excuses)
No lah
Honestly,I wasnt drunk but I made a stupid joke
a very stupid 1 indeed.
So,I'm taking the opportunity to say I'm sorry
Theres also a downfall about this holiday
My sports house meeting is actually tomorrow..And next week will be a holiday too(Sunday carry forward to Monday)
cause of Thaipusam
Which means another week no sports house meeting
Cause I feel very very fit since my recovery!
Oh yeah!
By the way,Intervensi is coming soon
I know noone is excited about it cause we have to revise form 1 syllabus
but look at the bright side
FORM 1=PIECE OF CAKE(due to our age,2 years wiser)
I'm sure nobody will fail
Grade C the very least
For me aiming straight A's la
Isn't it obvious?
To those who don't have form 1 books,go get it lah
Get the thick thick revision books which 1 year you only read 2 and half pages
I know i do that
I'm very cocky over this intervensi
Trust me..
I will study hard next week=)
Posted by
10:18 PM