Bets on!. Dog odds are 3/2 and Mantis odds are 11/1.
Place your bet. Com'on.xD
AND THE WINNER BY KNOCKOUT IS .....................
NOBODY! It's a tie!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Dog Vs Mantis
Posted by
2:18 AM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Got my shooting boots on.
Thawrique is a cheater
I'm on FIRE!.6 shots 4 goals. Couldnt ask for a better ratio right? 66.67% of the time I shoot will score. Its only my 2nd and 3rd competitive match in a year and I still managed to find the back of the net 4 times. Its something I should be proud of.
Then again, my stamina let me down. I was spending alot of time sitting on the ground. Want proof?
First match my class narrowly won Thawrique's class. Thanks to my Hat trick. We won 4-3. Heres a picture of my first goal
My second goal was a penalty. No pictures was taken though. My last goal is probably will be the best goal of the tournament. A fine solo goal from me. Taken the ball from the middle. Beat 4 players and a cool finish to top it off. Anybody watching would be impressed for sure.
2nd match was a tough 1. We were up against the best team in the form. Yet we managed to draw with them thanks to my late equalizer.
All we need tomorrow is not to lose by a two goal margin and we will be in the semi final. I got bad news too. My boot gave up on me. Koyak terus. Don't know what to do. Crap
Posted by
9:13 PM
Outing with friends last Monday
Went to TS with Hafiz, Thawrique, Keith, Syanaz, Zeinal, Ayai , Agus , Afiqah, Iqmal and 1 more girl. It was very fun. Watched Pandorum, played billiard and bowling
I seriously do suck at bowling. My fourth game and still no improvement. I'll eventually learn. Thats my talent anyway. SPORTS.
I'm literally gonna fall down
I guess bowling ain't my thing after all. But I can do tell you. Billiard and Pool are my two better sports. I can pocket 4 balls in arow. Well I did that in 2 racks and we played 2 games only. But I do crack when many people are looking. Couldn't get back the rhythm. I ain't too sure why either.
We tried to watch Surrogate but the time did not favor us. So we watched Pandorum instead. To be honest. I never heard of that show til that day. Oh well. The show was not bad. Thats all I can say.
Can't wait for next wednesday=)
Posted by
7:56 PM
Zero is the number
21st of Oct- Attendance of chinese girls is an unbelievable 0. Somehow I feel they all planned this.
Haih I have to go school today ( 22nd Oct) cause tomorrow there will be no electricity in my housing area. And also my school is having football competition among classes. Can't miss it can I?
I do hope to skip school on friday though.=) It all depend whether my class makes it into the next round.
It's gonna be boring this week. Not many girls or shall I say no girls will be coming. Likewise I managed to keep myself not bored by doing what I do best. That is finding something to do.
Yesterday 21st oct I was so bored til I helped out the "Skuad Ceria". Basically its all about making the school look more lively. But as usual I did nothing but walking around and disturbing people.
Its 2am and I have to go to school tomorrow. Waking up at 5.20. Currently Manu vs CSKA still nil nil.
Next post I wil include pictures.
Posted by
1:45 AM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
No Offense.
Seriously, I would like to know the meaning of this word. People always say no offense right before they offend someone. Cool isn't it?
So, stop using that word if you are planning to offend someone. Just say. I'm gonna offend you. And you shall start offending a person. But obviously you're gonna spark a war if you are stupid enough to say that.
Anyone know Shelby Singh? The football pundit. Well he sucks too. He said stupid on a show. As a professional you can't call someone stupid. Lets hope everyone knows that.
Skipped school today. Proud of it. Cause I know school today was very boring. What to do tomorrow? Bring hp? I would love to but I scare of 2 things;
i) Stolen(WORST case scenario)
Or ii) Beloved teacher confiscate it. Well you don't really need me to say out the teacher name,do you?
I've been actively updating my blog. So do visit it often ya.=)
Posted by
4:17 PM
Monday, October 19, 2009
21/12/2012 End of time?
If anyone is afraid of dooms day, you are more than welcome to close this tab now
I know many of us probably heard of this a long time ago. So do I actually. But I've watch afew movies about world end. So, it does make me think twice. Obviously I have done research as well.
Well at least we have something to cheer about though. Afew other world end warning turns out to be false and not true. But then again, there is a possibility that world could end anytime. Many predicted 2012, so theres a higher chance that IF the world DO END, most probably will be on 2012. Its still a very slim chance of that happening
Mayan calendar ends at 21/12/2012. Mayan calendar is said to be very accurate in counting the solar system. Go check out about it more. I don't really know much about it.
Nibiru aka Planet X is on course to knock our Earth of the Orbit. I guess? Well, I don't really have all the facts but you can check it out yourself
We should take this seriously but at the same time do not spend too much money. You might need it if this world end thing is false.
By 2012, I will be 18 and will be legally old enough to do many stuffs except voting. So I have already planned ahead. I don't want the world to end but I am curious about it. The questions will always be. How will it happen? Where do it take places? When will it happen? How will people react? Will they try to find an escape route?
Yes all this questions do make me want to know. But to know all this means that to see how the world end. So I rather not know all this.
Next post will be about my day at TS
Posted by
6:18 PM
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Beach ball are meant to be on the beach and poolside
Some idiot liverpool fan threw a beach ball onto the pitch in Liverpool vs Sunderland. Darren Bent shot deflected of the beach ball into goal. So thank you Mr Liverpool fan. You made me happy.
Sorry for not blogging yesterday, couldn't think of anything. Oh well, Tiffany and CO's are really a pain in my butt. First they say go, then they say no. And today, its on again. And now 4.27 PM it's off again I guess.
Nat couldn't make it. You see, I actually almost finished post just now. But then I just received a SMS from Nat. Oh well I guess its almost impossible for us all to go out. FFK always happen.
Anyway back to gaming. Cya..
Posted by
4:07 PM
Friday, October 16, 2009
Its Eleven.
Its eleven soon to twelve. Heck no. I'm not talking about the time right now. I'm actually talking about how long I've been online. It have been 40500 secs since I on the computer and still counting.
Gosh afew years back I would have enjoy staying at home. But now I'm kinda bored staying at home. I cant play sports either due to my condition. I'm just waiting til I'm fit again.
I'm just waiting til Monday. Going out with Tiffany and CO's. Jewellery=) Well, I'm never a fan of cartoon movie but I'll watch cause I love my friends. They are gonna watch Meatball 3D. Seriously, I have no idea at all about that show. So anyone can brief me through it?
Boy oh boy, do I have alot of FB application request or what? Lets be honest us. How many us actually go through the FB application request? I know I don't. Does it consider as spamming?
*Blur* Don't know what to do for the next 2 months
Posted by
11:30 PM
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ate my own words
Remember my last post? 13 Oct - Fitness Zero. I did mention about me not going to go to school right? Well guess what?
I did went to school after my maths teacher persuaded me to. Its not even worth going. Crap. Wasted time. And energy to walk to JJ and take bus. Bloody rain. So heavy. I was soaking wet when I reached Jusco. Ahhh! Don't even want to talk about it.
I will stay away from physical activities for at least 3 days to recover from my aching body. So, I would like to apologize to my friends who ajak me go play sports this week,I can't make it.
Guess what? Next year I won't be class monitor anymore. Don't cry please. lol. Instead I will be a probate (prefect). Saddest part of all is I have to leave Koperasi. I love working there. But I guess its the end? Unless I get fired when Im a probate.
Anyway Corrine and Syanaz. You will see me more often next year. Hopefully in a blue shirt. I just doing this for marks. I won't be so strict. lalalalalala
Posted by
10:59 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Zero Fitness.
Gosh,I couldn't believe how unfit I am after a long lay off from sports and exercise. Read below to know what happened.
Today is a very boring day. Full stop. No doubt about it. I don't even know what to do. But I know that I should skip tomorrow form 4 taklimat and stay at home. Good plan? No. It's an excellent plan.
Would you rather choose to smell 540 socks? 270 pairs. Or would you rather stay at home? Whoever pick smelling socks, you got a big problem. Basically 270 students will be cramped into the music room. High chance that the aircond is not functioning. So good luck=)..
Well, today there was a match between form 3 and form 6. The result was 3-3. Gosh. I barely could sprint nor run back to defend. As I'm a central midfielder. I could blame it on fatigue cause I slept 5 hours or less yesterday and I went TS 4 hours. But I rather blame on my fitness.
Weak cardio. Slow legs. Big tummy. Just kidding about the tummy=P. A very below par performances from me. I'm very disappointed in myself. But never mind. I'm gonna work on my fitness. Especially stamina.
Right now, I feel so pain in every part of my body. Well not exactly all. Still its painful
Anyone wanna massage me?
Posted by
9:50 PM
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Over. Habis. Akhir. Finish. Done.
Sorry unable to write in other words - Lack of knowledge in language.
Unless any of us are living under a rock, we wouldn't know that PMR ended today. Good news is time to relax. Bad news is the nervous wait for our beautiful result slip.
Awww my school did a spotcheck today. How cute. Actually the reason for this spotcheck is to confiscate stuff such as flour, fireworks,egg and other craps except handphones.
Somehow HELLawati got more power than my pengetua. Pengetua ask the discipline teacher to give back the phones. Then again, HELLawati wants all valued item.
Anyway switching gears back to PMR. KH was okay I guess?. 7As are quite likely to get. Confidence is the key to success. And of course failures too. Hoping it doesn't happen to me though.
Today I went bowling. 1 valuable tip if you plan to bowl. NEVER. I repeat NEVER play with long finger nails. I broke my thumbi nail and scratched myself.
Basically its been years since I last played bowling. The last time I played, I was playing with two hands and handicapped, so its no surprised that my first 7 balls,ony 1 knocked down pins.
Anyway I rather not blog too long. Otherwise you will sleep.
Posted by
4:32 PM
Friday, October 9, 2009
Today is Hell Day.
Cute little title,ain't it? Well, that doesn't reflect how I did on my geografi exam. I guess its safe to say that I did 4 papers quite well. Just enough to get A I guess?
My title is about Hel(l)awati. Basically shes my school PK HEM. Heres the story, today me and my friend,Yap planned to come out from dewan once we finish our paper. We did finished in 15 mins cause it was rather unexpectedly easy. We still have to use another 15 mins to recheck though
After doing that, I asked permission to go out,followed soon by him. As we walk down the stairs and reached the ground floor, we saw Cochrane beloved teacher whose name appear on every wall in the school. Remarkable ain't she? We tried avoiding her by walking away and use another route.
Boy oh Boy. My luck ran out. She from far shouted. "Boy, tak ada kelas ker?" We said "tak ada. PMR la." Then she called over. Here's the conversation
"Kenapa keluar awal?" she asked
"Dah habis buat exam la." we said
She said "nak masuk ke kelas akhir akhir tahun depan ker? saya boleh letak kamu dua dalam kelas sastera PURE,nak?nak?nak?"
Basically I wasnt really hearing what she said so I said "nak". Then she came closer to me and want to cubit my ear. At that time,I still don't know my mistake. I realized after the whole thing. Her mouth is bloody smelly by the way. Go brush your teeth la.
"Kalau kamu keluar awal lagi ESOK, saya letak kamu dua dalam kelas sastera tahun depan."
Then my friend said "esok tak ada exam la."
Then she said "isnin ada kan?"
swt.. Lets skip that part til the end
as we go. She said again " Jangan keluar awal ESOK."
Posted by
10:57 AM
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Soul Linking
Anyone wants to be linked?
Leave your blog url at my chatbox or leave a comment
or you can just msn me at --->justintan94@h/c
time to resurrect my blog
Posted by
11:44 PM
PMR Luck SMS have no effect!
It's safe to say that I'm not the most superstitious or a guy who believes in karma. Chain messages are ignored by me. Just pure crap. Doesn't make me pee in my pants.
Recently, I know that many people are receiving chain PMR "luck" messages. I've been receiving some too. Well, I would like to say its sent by people who are desperate but I rather not. I would give them the benefit of doubt by saying they are afraid of not getting straight As instead.
1 sms is about free/1/5/7/10/15 cents depend on which operator your using. And there are people who are sending the same message to approximately 25 people. Einstein is not needed to know that its a waste of money. These money could put to a better use such as buying books to revise ( at least that have effects on your result )
Effort=Result. Luck is not involved. Maybe 2% of your mark is luck. --> Shooting lah. Tembak!
And I do not agree that you have to say sorry to people for all your sins or whatever to get good results. Restu or whatever. Crap. BS. Walao eh! You forgive people then your result will be good? I don't think its even a myth. Mythbuster won't even review this "myth" even if a million people request.
Instead of saying sorry for your mistakes, why not try and be nice throughout the year? Say sorry also not wholeheartedly. Save face,KEEP your apologies to yourself. Overdue sorry are not welcomed.
*My post doesn't reflect any race.*
Posted by
8:34 PM
Thursday, October 1, 2009
My post title says it all. Frankly, I'm very surprised that when I checked my Nuffnang (Ad thingy), it shows that my blog is still getting quite high numbers of hits per day/week/month!
It seriously does surprise me cause I barely even update it for the past errm, 3 months I guess?
Probably more. So, this time,I've decided to keep my blog for good. Help me out with my Ad thingy okay?Haha
Well, I've been a busy person this week by getting ready for my major (minor) exam PMR. I'm sure I've done enough,enough bullets,enough weapons, enough cheating techniques to score 7As. Please discount the cheating part, I was just kidding. Cheers
I'll be surprised if I don't get straight As. Anyway,I gotta go!
Good luck and all the best for PMR everybody=)
Posted by
8:43 PM
Monday, September 21, 2009
Guess who=P
Seriously, I'm not in the mood to blog. I just feel that blogging eats too much time, it used to be fun,yes but now, I just finds it kinda bored. Nevertheless,I'm gonna keep my blog for the time being. And maybe who knows,I might be back blogging after PMR
Here's a quick update. Had barbecue today. Yes it was nice but then again my mum dampens some spirit and stomach. She scold here scold there then don't want to eat. Oh well, so its all up to me,my bro and my dad to set up the barbecue,and clean everything up
Basically, this 10 days holiday is really short. One thing about holiday is time flies even faster. And I don't even think of PMR. How many days are there to PMR again? Doesn't matter though. By the time this holiday ends, PMR would be 9 days to go. Gosh,I really need to start studying HARDER. Just to prove that I've study. Just not that hard. Cheers!
I bet this post is gonna shut some eyes cause even I myself find it boring. I barely put any effort into writing this crap.
Anyway, I quite a fan of F1 and I'm actually excited about our 1Malaysia F1 team. Personally I think it's a superb investment, and it provide some jobs too
Probably our government have to shell out around RM500M or more but then again, they are other sectors which are gonna finance the team too. Thats why we have sponsors
But I'm praying though that our team doesn't end up last every race. Why? Hey! I don't wanna be the laughing stock in front of my foreign friends! And for the sake of Lotus brand name too
Pros of this 1Malaysia F1 Team
1. Boost tourism industry
2. Provide jobs
3. Get people to know our country
4. Encourage more youngest to drive a F1 car.( less Mat Sampah, ops Did I say sampah out loud?I meant ramp it.
5.Could be a success
1. Plan backfires, government take the blame for it, Gosh I would love to see that happens. But then again, 0.5% of my pride is on the line. And its alot!
2. 1 car is gonna do great(maybe), the other would do shits and crossing the finish line last in every race. Why?Cause a Malaysian driver is gonna be in it. At this point we don't have a good driver,so hes gonna end up last=)
3. F1 is currently unstable
Posted by
3:01 AM
Monday, August 17, 2009
It's over
Did any of you thought it's about me and "HER" when you saw the title? Maybe not,you'll think of my trials. But I know many of you will be thinking who is "her".. Here's a hint. She's transparent also known as invisible and fantasy. Omg,you guys are slow~It means she doesn't exist
Well, that was fun~. As many of us 15 years old KL students know that trials unofficially end today(for most of us) but I still could feel the test atmosphere. Ironic. And for some,who is in Italy,gosh I wonder who, dun need to take trials~ and is on a 3 months break. But Italy standard at higher than M'sia anyway
Trials wasn't too bad eh?Except for BM..There goes my mood,the word BM makes me feel pain..
Oh well.. grandma maid is a thief..she stole about RM20+ and MAYBE JUST MAYBE RM200 cause I can't seem to find my wallet
She used my handphone to make phone calls!!WTF? and she clear her tracks by deleting dialled numbers. She's good but not good enough. Cause my mum call Maxis and got the numbers. We double check through her phone and its identical
Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat,akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga
Posted by
9:49 PM
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The decision has been made
Well, seeing that theres 2 people who don't want me to delete my blog, I'll keep it. I would make no promises but tries to update at least 3 times a week.
2 is a big number to me cause it means that I'm still wanted. Actually I would have still continue even I have 1 vote.
What should I talk about?Hmm?Got it~ H1N1 will be my topic
As many of KL students know, SBU and SBS closed already and the government won't close all schools to curb this.
But it will be a matter of time before my school closes,I could sense it. Its in my gut. My gut feeling
Prediction- Tuesday 10.23a.m SMK Cochrane tutup
On that day I will bring Champagne to celebrate. Probably a party like sweet 16 in US does.
Last Sunday, a classmate of mine infected by this flu and she was quarantine for 3 days. She was okay after that. Then on Friday,she was down with fever, everyone first thought was H1N1 but many of us were disappointed that it was just normal fever. Including me
I'm evil. I really want holiday for 1 week..Argh
Posted by
9:41 PM
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
To Delete or Not to Delete?
Once a upon a time, I was super active in blogging and then I reduce my activeness, And then the start of the year I was active back again, now I'm just plain deactive.
And once a upon a time, my blog were getting 50 hits per day not including people who spam visits to my blog.*giggles* 50 Different people. Now I probably get the same amount of visits like my pocket money.
I felt like there's not much reason for me to blog. I tried hard to add in humor into my blog but failed miserably. My grammar mistakes was too obvious and wrong usages of words too.
I guess I'm not blogging material.
That's it
You decide
50cents per vote
T&C Apply.. Just kidding about the 50 cents
Posted by
8:28 PM
Friday, July 10, 2009
A milestone reached
This is my officially 100th post on this blog. I have a couple of post in draft but I ain't gonna post it
It's only fair if I don't talk much about myself on this 100th post and that's why I chose to talk about PPSMI. Reverting teaching Science and Maths back to Bahasa instead of English
Here's something funny I read about it, approximately 3 to 4 months ago I picked up a newspaper quoted by Tan Sri Muhyiddin "the people can still have their say,it might influences the decision"
And recently he said "We should not let people pressure to affect our decision". Please note that the quotes are not 100% word for word but it almost have the same meaning.
And this is what I got from quoted by our DPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin "If we continue, we will see double jeopardy and I do not want Malaysians to face problems later,"
To be honest, I find his comments funny. I do not want Malaysians to face problems later. Yeah,thats SO RIGHT. Must give award to him. We are the one who is gonna face problems if it changes back to Bahasa. Why?
Once we are 18, we are gonna learn in English and God, I can see clearly now that Bahasa gonna help us when we are 18. If we are talking about changing that to Bahasa too. Otherwise its we are gonna suffer big time.
Malaysia isn't moving forward. Everything can see clearly now. According to survey/research 55% of Malaysians can't get a job is because of poor command of language.
We don't need to know what language is that right?So damn obvious.
1 day it's gonna revert back to English. Just watch for it and wait for it to happen.
So-called-think-of-the-people decision. Kudos to the Government! Looking forward to see you in the next election
Posted by
7:17 PM
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Short update
I know I didn't update my blog for quite sometime. Forgive me for that
Heres an quick update of my results
SEJARAH - 73 B!!ouch damn pain..I know some school 80 only get A but I ain't in your school. To my surprise, my students who got very high marks in their mid year. Got around 55~73. Funny
KH- 75 I think just did enough to get an A. More confirmation later on
BM - B..unsure of the marks.
Tomorrow I will get SC,Maths and Geo I think
Sad Sad Sad
Posted by
7:16 PM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Guess what?
I'm addicted to Facebook!!..Thats what
All of a sudden,i became active in Facebook.In fact my Facebook account was created in dec 07,was quite active back then. After that I was deactive and left it to rot. Now,I let my Friendster rot..LOL
Who cares right?Facebook is fun to be honest. The applications are awesome. I mean everything is fun about it. User-friendly
Okay,i will stop promoting
Well, this week I rarely been into class except for this week.Thank God I didn't miss much. Im just glad that HKS is over and I can get on with my daily life in class. That is ;
i)create havoc
ii)disturb people
iii)create jokes.
iv)and so on..=P
What I don't miss is greeting teacher. With all due respect, its not that I don't like greeting but Im not that good at it. Ain't my th'ng=D
Oh well, another thing Im happy about my school reverted back the class position system back to GPP instead of A's and subjects. And thanks to that I got num 7. It's nothing to be proud of just that I escaped a real hairdryer from my father if I gotten num 14 or 15~
Posted by
8:36 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I'm clueless
This week is really fu*ked up
1st.until now my emcee/mc for hks havent settle
delay delay delay
hope tmrw can get it done with
it jux sucks
2nd.i ponteng class alot ady tis week
due to koperasi
3rd.tiring KKS!!!WTFFFFF?my teacher jux told me I got alot of mistakes
BUT what do i need to betulkan?just tell my briefly then walk away
i dun wanna do 1 actually
do folio oso kena scold from father
very song meh?-.-
JUX TOO MANY THINGS ARE COMING AT ME. once i done with this koperasi thing i will be okay ady=P
Posted by
8:32 PM
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I'm so bored and nervous ahead of tomorrow,so i decided to do tis tag
100 truths
WHAT WAS YOUR:1. Last beverage : mango nestle juice or smtg la
2. Last phone call: mum?
3. Last text message: i love you. (just kidding)
4. Last song you listened to: Mariah Carey- Obsessed
5. Last time you cried: last year
6. Dated someone twice: heck no
7. Been cheated on: maybe?not...
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: never kiss anyone except family members
9. Lost someone special: who?girl?yes gua
10. Been depressed : lately?no
11. Been drunk and threw up: drunk?a lil bit.threw
12. any
13. freaking
14. colour
15. Made a new friend: yesss..
16. Fallen out of love: yesss
17. Laughed until you cried: yesssss
18. Met someone who changed you: this year?almost changed
19. Found out who your true friends were: yesss
20. Found out someone was talking about you: yes!
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: i still have my LIPGINITY
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: wat is a friend list?link list?most of them la
23. How many kids do you want?: 2 will be enough
24. Do you have any pets: fish?rabbit and dog=D
25. Do you want to change your name: my name is special,dun nit to
26. What did you do for your last birthday: hmm..nothing special
27. What time did you wake up today:10pm
28.What were you doing at midnight: playing poker at facebook
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: honestly?sex
30. Last time you saw your Mother: speaking of it.NOW
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: still with her?
32. What are you listening to right now : Enimem-We made you
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: tmrw being master ceremony for hari koperasi sekolah.
35. Most visited webpage: and
36. Whats your real name: James Bond.=P obviously not
37. Nicknames: Jay Tee. JT
38. Relationship Status: hunting
39. Zodiac sign: dog
40. Male or female?: something between my two legs
41. Primary School?: SK Taman Midah 1
43. High school/college/university?: Cochrane
44. Hair colour: black.
45. Long or short: short
46. Height: 162cm..short too=P
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: now?no
48: What do you like about yourself?:my body? everything about myself
49. Piercings:my
51. Righty or lefty: always right=P
52. First surgery: may 2006.broken arm
53. First piercing: my ass..lolx..see above
54. First best friend : daniel ravin
55. First sport you joined: Football.
56. First vacation: to other country?thailand
58. First pair of trainers:wats tis?
59. Eating: soon
60. Drinking: saliva
61. I'm about to: play poker
62. Listening to: mad world-adam lambert
63. Waiting on: ??dont understand
64. What kids?: asian?
65. Get Married?: 35 probably
66. Career?: investor or anything which pays more than 30k per month
67. Lips or eyes: eyes
68. Hugs or kisses: kisses=P
69. Shorter or taller: Taller but not too tall
70. Older or Younger: Younger. but not too young
71. Romantic or spontaneous: both=D
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: abs=D
73. Sensitive or loud: depend
74. Hook-up or relationship : relationship..
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Trouble maker.^.^
76. Kissed a stranger: as i said..still have my lipginity
77. Drank hard liquor:
78. Lost glasses/contacts: broken got la
79. Sex on first date: next time?
80. Broken someone's heart: yes
82. Been arrested: almost?no la of course
83. Turned someone down: yes not a relationship though
84. Cried when someone died:never before yet
85. Fallen for a friend?: yes
86. Yourself: HELL YEAH!!
87. Miracles: probably
88. Love at first sight: yes
89. Heaven: yep
90. Santa Claus:unfortunately no
91. Kiss on the first date: Thats HAWT(Paris Hilton style)
92. Angels: yeap
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: lolx.. la
95. Did you sing today?: got...
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: not yet=P
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: form 1 8 days after valentine day..mistake~
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?:as i said 22 feb=P
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? : yes actually
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: yea..and afew jokes too..enjoy=X
Tag :Xietin..haha..always tag me=P
Posted by
6:09 PM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Jokers and I love them
Remember I said I went Penang right? Okay I didn't say what day but I did mention it in my blog. Reason for a delay update about Penang cause I was abit upset cause I didn't see a pretty girl around my age. Sad. Depress. Angry. You name all the negative feelings,you got it.
Okay. I admit I wasn't really that sadlahh. Cause I'm not that despo la. Alittle sad,yes though.
Anyway,here's the highlight of my trip.Sadly it's not the playing tennis part nor the smuggling dog into the apartment. But it's at the second day in my grandparents house.
Firstly,my uncle and my father are two good friends and are two jokers. They didn't wanna take their lunch at my grandparents house and decided to save money,I assume. Here's what happened. My uncle was invited to a Malay(Not being racist,but I do mention the race's wedding)wedding. Guess what? He went to the wrong wedding! My father tagged along too. But the Malays are kind enough to offer them to eat there. My father and uncle rejected cause wanted to the go the real wedding which my uncle was invited.Here's the best part.
Once the arrived,they didn't eat. Basically nobody at the wedding?Why? Cause its the WRONG DATE.It's on 6th but they went on the 7th. Basically, they didn't get their lunch but they did get an egg each. Fair deal for going to people wedding on the wrong day!
I'm not in love,okay?=D I'm just some crazy guy who isn't in love now
My holiday is rather okay. I say it's okay cause my father keep forcing me to study. I have doubts when even I want to turn on the computer.I mean who study during the holidays?
But I did promised that I will put alot afford after the holiday
To kick things off I have DECORATED my room(walls) with FORMULAS,KARANGAN,SEJARAH AND OTHER CRAPS FOR PMR.
Note: All of these are for studying purposes not some other crap which you're thinking about
P.S: Chapter 4 Form 3 Science,I haven't put it up yet.Maybe will. Mwahahaha
Signed off.
Posted by
11:53 PM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Just one of the old days
I remember how I look like, my stupid actions, and pretty much ways how I tried to impress girls when I was young.
Funny just by remembering the past
There's two thing I'll never ever forget though
There are times I'm so afraid of going to SLEEP because my aunt told me one of our sultan died from sleeping. In another words, age catch up to him. I was so scare til I always try avoiding sleep.Somehow I stop this fear and think that I could never ever die!
When I say that I could never ever die, I mean I can't die even a car hit me at any speed. Boy! I would make superman look like superbaby anyday if I could pull that off
See,how funny I was when I was a little boy. Probably I'm more funny now with my crazy attitude.Just my 2 cents by the way
I had alot of fun when I was young. Many things I learned in the process, remembering it just makes me feel complete. Although I'm still single now.
But I think I'm falling in love again. BUT hold on.Just think. Afew girls to choose from in my mind. But I would rather honor my bet with someone! - Not liking anyone until after PMR
Posted by
12:09 AM
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Pain is not a reason
I'm feeling very tired and in pain. From shoulder to down to my ankle are hurting very much. Especially my thigh and back. Each time I walk I feel the excruciating pain.
Although I'm in pain, that won't stop me from walking uphill to tuition afterward. No pain is greater than me.
Probably I would blame jogging 6km on Sunday for this pain. Or maybe blame my PE teacher for MIA over 2 months. Lack of physical activities cause my body to be like stone and once I exercise.Muscles are not fit enough. Makes sense doesn't it?
On Monday,I woke up and felt so pain on my neck and back but that's nothing compare to today.
The best part was I played badminton yesterday.2 HOURS IN PAIN. I didn't want to disappoint Tiffany,so I went and play. I run around the court chasing shots after shots tirelessly although I'm tired. Best part was some points I won from chasing back and forth,left and right.
All I can say is I had a tremendous time and hope can do it again someday sooner rather than later. I ain't a good badminton player but I'm working on it
Never say never. Thats my moto for sports. For love is- never force a girl into a decision. I give up very easily on love=D Heck cares..
Tiffany caught a nice picture of me doing jump smash. Thats the picture I'm waiting for. Til now It haven't reach my mail..Arghh
I'm aging 2x faster already.Backache, walking problem, everywhere pain. And Im still 15=D
Posted by
3:24 PM
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
waiting for the pics to arrive..
then ony i update..
still not yet arrive
Posted by
7:16 PM
Monday, June 1, 2009
Lie and gossip hurt a person the most
Funny isn't when you tell a lie and people fall for it? Fact is no matter what type of lie you tell and IF only IF that persons find out the truth. You have just killed a soul
Probably that person will put on a wide smile. Truth is, that person's heart don't lie. Or maybe that person will be boiling. Raging over a lie you told.
Why does lying hurt so much? You see, lying is a form of breaking one's trust.
One trust so much, and even fall for it. But you lied with your face expression- Huh? What? No la.
Want my advise?Come clean. With the truth of course.
Let's turn our attention to gossip.
Frankly,I do gossip,at times yea. But nothing close to what girls can do when it's come to gossiping
No wonder so many woman are taking up jobs such as reporter,newscaster or even selling newspaper. Cause they are so into news!
Ya'll do know how pain isit when that person finds out? I've been in this position before. Trust me, a bee sting in your arse is way better than hearing those stinging words.
Gossip less,won't kill ya. Gossip good stuff is nothing wrong. But gossiping about someone and it isn't truth.Gosh,you have to see a psychiatrist.
Really,my post offends you. And if it does. Sorry,this is my opinion
Posted by
2:48 PM
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Magical Number - 10
I'm talking about the latest news- 10 is the limit for number of subjects you can take for SPM in 2010 onwards.
Aww. That probably crashed some people hopes of taking more than 10 subjects. I'll let you in on a little secret. It was my wish to take more than 10 too.Nevertheless,still can take 10 subjects.
Although it did spoil my plan, but come to think of it. It might suits me too. Firstly, marks will be given on extra curricular too. I don't mind being active for the next 2 years.
So,for y'all nerds out there, you can throw away your thick glasses. And put on contact lens. Less books more physical pain.
And there won't be 1A,2A,3B or 10G anymore instead will be A+,A and A-.Frankly I don't link the sound of that though.Why?
Didn't any of you read the newspaper? Last year had the most amount of students scoring straight A
With this new grading. Do expect less people to get straight A's for a couple of year,probably more
It's gonna be fun=D
Posted by
10:59 PM
Can you hear that?
Its the sound of holiday.Yes,sound of holiday.No,not sound of music.
1st semester down,one to go.1st big exam down, one to go.1st crush down,one to go?perhaps.
Oh well,it won't be all play but no studying nor going to school during the holidays.Recently,I was told to attend choral speaking practice during the holiday. Someone told me it will be on the second week of holiday. Crap,isn't thats the day I'm going to Penang?Hmm,I guess so.
And most recently,my mid year exam. I blew it,big time. Especially in History,Science,Bahasa Malaysia and English. I'm just waiting to here how bad will it be. Hopes and wishes it won't dampen my holiday
And lastly,this post won't be completed without me mentioning about American Idol right? This is abit overdue though. Yes.Everyone knows the winner is Kris Allen. But to me,both Adam and Kris are winners.Probably Gokey too.
Adam is giving Kris 10 reasons why he,Adam lost. Not too bad at counting,ain't he?
Kris doesn't look amused though.
I'm very sure many fans out there are waiting for their album.
And here's another thing.According to news- . AT&T played a major role in Kris Allen victory. Check that link out
Nevertheless, in the end, someone has to win,right?And it doesn't really matter. Just take a look at the 2 Davids last season. Both of them are doing great. And thats what matters the most.
Posted by
12:07 AM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
No longer safe to take a walk
Walking outside now scares the crap out of many. Why?
Cause there are so many kidnappers ,rapist ,killer, robber, Mat Sampah and the list just goes on and on.
There are cases everyday,go pick up a newspaper and read. Maybe that will make you pee in your pants 3 times faster than usual.
BUT it doesn't just end there.Now there are Influenza A(H1N1),Meningitis too..But it's under control.And there is Leptospirosis. Fatality chances are higher than Influenza A and Meningitis
First case of Influenza A reported at Sg.Buloh. A 21 years old boy returned from USA.Probably that you know.But here's the latest news. A friend of the boy,a girl has also downed with Influenza A in Penang.My oh my..Penang and Sg.Buloh infected
Well,I hate writing so much about this,cause it will freak you all out
I'm sure all of you don't want to die. So,do take care of yourselves.
If you have any symptom of any of these diseases should contact doctor ASAP and have a check-up
Posted by
1:15 PM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Blank..Just blank.Nothing
I can't see to find anything to post about
I keep forgetting what I wanna post
Perhaps I should write down next time
but heck no, I ain't gonna do that
otherwise it would be a diary or a journal already
I could be a journalist then..
except im always blank.
any newspaper or website wants me?
The Blank News?
I could be on the newspaper any day=D
KH sucks
I hate it so much
I can't stuff those shitty knowledge into my head
I won't be suprised if i don't get an A for it
Posted by
1:55 AM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Gone hiding
Well, I have not post since err?
how long was it again?
2 weeks?
I might blame the intervension for my long MIA
or I might just blame myself for being lazy
whatever it is
This is my first post in MAY
As many knew
my Bday was on Monday-4th of May
Thanx to all who wishes me
and sorry i couldn't get back at those who wished me at FS
Abit lazy
And my results for intervension came in too
well,it wasnt the best nor it was the worst
still it sucks very much
oh well,ive put that behind me already
not too sure whether my dad will..
mid year exam is so close
im so sad...
tis saturday and sunday will online very little
due to revision
i forgotten what i wanted to post
it was a nice topic but i've forgotten
and bye=D
Posted by
7:52 PM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Bad week
Lost in volleyball competition..
deserve to win but lost
Flunked in KH totally
Expecting a D..
a D will be much better than E
please..dun give me E
Other subs are okay
i guess?
Many cheaters around in the test
I myself have played a tiny part in cheating
a tiny one only okay
unlike some people in my class
put answers in a piece of paper
or write down on their table
or some even shoved it on into their ass
it will be transmitted to their brain
cuz their brain at their ass?
Posted by
11:49 PM
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Intervension is just around the corner and I barely even touch a book yet..
Well,trust me,its not a good thing..
To anyone who thinks that people without studying + getting good result is better than those who study and get good results are so wrong~
Mind you,those who are lazy but smart will have a lower chance of being successful
and those who are hardworking have high chance
get the equation?
About intervension,my teacher gave alot of tips
When I say alot,i mean in the whole paper
Whats the point giving tips?
I hate it to be honest
Thats why I never copy any of them when my teacher gave the tips
It's ridiculous..
Thumbs up to Cochrane
Jux because its paper 2..they gave out tips
soooooo lameeee
oh well,I'm gonna study this afternoon to ensure i won't get 5A 2B or 6A 1B again
my father will take every possible advantage to 'gasak' me
thats it for now
Posted by
10:17 AM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Right call!
Well,today i got robbed..
I rather take out the positive from this incident
I managed to escaped unharmed and lose rm2 to 'thieves'
How I did it?
Once they approach to me
they ask for RM1,i didn't hesitate to give
and they ask for another 1..
which I gave
My last RM1,i told them i need it for bus fare
How did I lose RM2 only?
I carried more than that obviously,
but I HAVE PREDICTED that I will be robbed today
I predicted 2 person will be coming to me
before i left school,i put my wallet and valuable watch inside my school bag
only taking out RM3 to give those beggars
2 for them
1 for my bus fare
Ain't I smart or what?=D
Heres the thing,I tried to avoid them
as soon as I came out from JJ
I saw a group of hooligans at a distance
So,i tried using other route
unfortunately I was spotted by them
And also I was very polite,
i did not want trouble,so,i kept my temper
and be polite=D
No worries for me
they are gonna get wallap tomorrow or some other day by my friend brothers
For more info jux ask me!
Posted by
7:30 PM
Sunday, April 12, 2009
2dae went restaurant..
opposite me,a beautiful gal sat
i tink shes 13-15
when i say opposite i mean next table
keep looking at her
i did not get her pic nor num
her parents was there
basically theres too many ppl
anyway,i know u all dont care about it
to u-know-who..dun get mad at me ahh cuz of tis post..
Posted by
10:31 PM
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I'm back..
and I'm not sure when my next post will be
oh well
I've forgotten what i wanna post ady
Kay,im gonna make it short
no elaboration
My english teacher gonna put me into the school debate team
PJ teacher will be out for 1 month
damn sad
Volleyball tournament on 20th of April
Intervensi 20th of April
Okay,i seriously hate this
I hate to retake exams/tests
I tell you why
cause its cheating~
I will know at least 5 answers to each paper
and thats already minimum
At least i dun have to retake Sejarah and Geo=D
Thats great news
Seriously is
No way on Earth one can be smart by re-taking exams/tests all the time
Why does each time I represent school for something,and that will be the time my test will be on?
Anyway thats it
I lazy to post so long=D
Missed you like crazy...
Wanna know why I miss?
ask me at MSN
I will tell the answer to everybody
Posted by
11:41 PM
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Lost of inspiration to blog
I tried my utmost to find back the inspiration to blog
to reply comments at fs
but it FAILED
I don't even feel like blogging,facebook-ing,friendster-ing
I will be back
but no time will be given out=D
it could take 1 week or afew months
who knows?
i got my class position
quite demeaning to see people who got worse result than me ahead of me
New system sucks=.=
I was demoted 4 places down cause of it
I have alot to post
but i don't feel like blogging
I have alot of comments at my friendster
but i don't feel like replying
I love facebook
but i don't feel like checking
But don't worry about me ya=D
I'm always happy
inside and out
Posted by
12:35 AM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Would you believe it?
First time in my life I played a part in killing a ......
Errr..What was that again?
The 1 which look like Mickey Mouse brother
A rat/mouse
It all happened yesterday..
A rat came into the koperasi
So,me and my friends manhunt the rat..
The rat was fast..
Keep escaping and prevailing our roadblocks
In the end,a passerby kicked the rat airborne and hitting the ceiling..
So,it basically dies=D
About 6 person was chasing the rat,but in the end a passerby killed it
how frustrating for us=(
Anyway tomorrow I will be getting my class position
I think=D
GTG parents are back
Posted by
7:30 PM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Tagged!First ever
I'm so boring..
After doing this tag,I'll be doing my KGT already=D
Tag 10 humaN:
2.Rebecca~Teddy lover
7.Chia Jene
Why you tagged im/her as numberone/
Noone else to tagged=D
Do you met number 2 before?
Uhh..When was it again?Standard 3 I guess=D
What will you talk when you meet number 3?
I talk about anything=D
What is the relationship of number 4& 5?
What is number 6 favourite singer?
the hot and sexy Lady GaGa=D *edited*
What is number 7 favourite show?
Do I look like a stalker to u?P.S..tats not a show..LOL
Do you talk with number 8?
In the mirror?yea..Give self-confidence?yes..
How does number 9 look like?
Pretty!Abit under-height!
Who is number 10's lover?
Junho..I guess?haha
Which numbers are couples?
4 and 5=D
P.S..none of u have to do this Tagged=D
Complimentary from ME
Posted by
5:21 PM
What!?Sunday already?
Sweat..I'm so dead
It's close to 2am now
Boy oh Boy
9 days flew past by like it was only 5 days
I know~
I always whine about how fast time travels
It's already Sunday
And I haven't started doing my oral material nor my KGT
I'm so left out=S
But I'm sure I can do them within 2 hours the most=D
And I will use last year's 1..
So,I got my work cut short
Besides that,I've been MIA for 3 days
Never been far though..
Just out of topic to post
I noticed theres a slight declined when I do not update my blog
I could not help myself not to mention about Earth Day
It seems like almost all bloggers are mentioning about it
And that's what irritates me to be honest
Oh well,who could stop them from doing so
I'm gonna start a Water Day too=D
2 hours no water
Just kidding
P.s-MIA=Missing In Action
Posted by
1:51 AM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Our Past vs Present (History vs Future)
Remember when we were young?
Around 7~10 years old
Where our school teacher regardless whatever type of teacher it is substitute teacher,relief teacher,BM or English teacher,could be even your headmaster-ask you a question
What is your ambition?
Here are the common types of ambition given by us to the teacher
Doctor,Lawyer,Engineer,Pilot,Police(rare but got),Sports Personality,Teacher,Scientist and afew more
Some people(including me) don't know our ambition,and we just give whichever ambition said by our friends the most
And some of us never changed our mind about what we wanna be in the future
That's good!
And at this age too,When asked what is our ambition
Answers are almost the same except there are more varieties.
Do you know there are 1 million over types of job in this world?
I might not know the specific amount of jobs in this world but I can assured you there are more than 100 millions
You can never predict your future.
Don't narrow your ambition to just one
Think big,do research about jobs
One day,it could be vital
To those who wanna be doctor,only 1/100 will pursued it
The rest?I don't know
You decide your future
But I can assured you,with good education tonnes of job are there for you
Without education?Hard life~
Competition are high in our generation.
Have at least 20 ambitions.
And lastly,I wish you good luck!
In every journey,it always start with the first step!
p.s-All the numbers inside this post are estimation
Posted by
8:37 PM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I'm touched
Here's what my father send to me
I'm truly touched by this message
an inspirational 1
To dream to become successful is a good thing.As big achievement start with a dream.Dream will be forever a dream if you don't put effort and strategy to make it come true.But in any dream there is a large amount of failures to 1 success.So,its important to have a insurance.That insurance is your studies.If your dream don't come true,u can always rely on your studies with good result to earn a good income 4 you and your family later on.So better study hard now as dream can wait after your exam.So stop wasting time!Study!
The reason my father tell me this is because he don't want me to be like him
That is earning low income.To him low la.LOL..
He also know that I want to be super rich and he also knows that I'm very ambitious..
That's the reason why he sent me this SMS
But now,I'm gonna spread it to all
Let us all rule the world=D
Posted by
11:28 PM
Earth Hour 2009
Earth Hour 2009 – What Will You Be Doing?
Cuddling up with your loved ones and admiring the stars in the night sky or organising a treasure hunt in the dark? At 8:30pm on Saturday 28 March, people from all corners of the world will turn off their lights for one hour - Earth Hour - and cast their vote for action on climate change. Anybody can participate and join together with millions of people across the globe celebrating Earth Hour.
Earth Hour is about taking simple steps everyday that collectively reduce carbon emissions – from businesses turning off their lights when their offices are empty to households turning off appliances rather than leaving them on standby.
Here are 10 different ways to spend Earth Hour and reduce your carbon footprint:
1. Attend a local Earth Hour event or organise your own by throwing an Earth Hour street party with your neighbours
2. Gather family & friends for a night picnic in your local park and look at the stars
3. Enjoy a family dinner by candlelight
4. Organise a treasure hunt in the dark
5. Take the dog for a night walk
6. Have a candle-lit bath
7. Sit in the dark and share stories
8. Organise a family night playing board games
9. Share a romantic night in with your loved one
10. Upload your ‘on the night’ photos and videos to flickr and YouTube respectively, and then add them to the Earth Hour flickr group and the global YouTube Group.
Earth Hour Executive Director, Andy Ridley, is encouraging people to participate in whatever way they choose and to think beyond the hour.
“There are no hard and fast rules surrounding participation in Earth Hour. We only ask that you flick that switch and have fun doing whatever you choose to do during that time.
Make Earth Hour work for you. Families with young children should feel free to turn their lights off earlier than 8:30pm and for those having too much fun in the dark during the hour, don’t feel you have to limit yourself to one hour and switch back on at 9:30pm.”
To find out more about Earth Hour, visit the official website, sign up and join millions of people in more than 1,400 cities and towns in 80 countries throughout the world by turning off your lights for one hour at 8:30pm on Saturday 28 March.
Taken out from
And here's what I have to say-
I'm gonna support it
Although 1 hour isn't much,at least it means something
There's a message
We have all play a part in destroying the Earth
okay I'm exaggerating,we didn't destroy but we did made it worse
So,turn off your lights for 1 hour.
PAYBACK for what you did to this beautiful Earth
Remind your parents about this
I'm as guilty as everyone else too cause I've been blogging too much
Wasting too much electricity
Some of us will be thinking
Oh..1 hour..What's the difference?It only adding the Earth lifespan by 1hour
You could be right and you could be wrong
Why?I tell you why
Every second is precious
In that space of an hour,who knows what could happen?
Researches,Scientist and dot dot dot(lack of knowledge in this part) could find a way to prevent Doom Day!
I bet you're not gonna forgive yourselves if you cause the World to End
I rest my case
One World,One Hour
Posted by
12:28 PM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Out from boredom,I shall post something boring too
Haih,I'm so boring
double posting in a day is my last option
so,you know la,how bored am I
Since,I have to study tomorrow
I will talk a little about how to be successful in studies and sports
Fact is,I ain't that successful in these fields
but hey!
Simon Cowell can't sing,but he got ears!
Fashion Police can't even wear his underwear properly,instead wearing backwards!
So,there's nothing wrong giving a piece of my mind~
In studies~
There's not many shortcuts in studies
The rules are simple
The more u study,the smarter you are..
Thats the basic which everyone knows
What some of us dont know is some people are born smarter than another
somehow thats true
Ability to study is consider as a talent,right?
And there comes another problem,those are who are born smart tend to be very cocky
Taking tests for granted
Doing revision less than others
They are taking a huge risk in this
Now we go to the not born smart type
They can be smarter than the born smart type without a shadow of a doubt if they put effort in it
Why?cause they put effort and they take things seriously
So,if you do the same..
You can be top in every subject
I can place my wage on u(if its legal!)
Another way to be a better student is of course..
making a timetable
good time management
truth is,I find it hard to believe,and thought it was bullshit
Now I think its true
well,it is more effective for lazy people though
cause they have no control over themselves
So,if u're a lazy person,I suggest you plan a schedule
Lastly,study smart
Study hard and study smart are 2 different thing
Study hard is u put long hours,stressing urself,straining ur eyes
while study smart
is all about relaxation
And also making formulas out of nothing
anything can be done as long as u study smartly
I can't really explain how to study smartly
So,I'm sorry about it
Fact is I can remember alot of things in geo,kh and Sc
All formula,and also understanding the concept
Thats why i rarely revise on sc,and geo
Hope this post helps
Posted by
10:51 PM
Labels: Others
How I spent my holiday at Cherating
Where to start hmm?
Nothing interesting happen there
just an ordinary holiday i guess
On the first day it was raining all day long
as soon as I arrived then it started raining
maybe I bad luckgua
But that didnt stop me from swimming!
on the same day I got a cold..haha
The rain only stop on the next day around lunch time..
well most of the time spent at Cherating is within hotel bound only
Here are the activities I did
Fighting with waves..LOL..some of the waves are taller than me..So,just imagine..
Sauna..fuyoo~..Damn hot le..90 degrees all the time..Burn alive~
Ping ler..haha usual la..I win my bro=P
drinking i was not drunk
Smoke cigar..just 3 times ony..and it was 3 consecutive times anyway..
I think that sums up my holiday trip in Cherating..
Posted by
3:44 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Bon Voyage
I'll be heading to Cherating for my sweet escape tomorrow
So,I will not be blogging
On the other hand,I will be enjoying my time there!
swimming,tennis,gym(which I won't go),pool,table tennis,beach soccer
so many things I can play at there
But so little time will be spending at there
I'll be back on tuesday
My hotel ain't that great>.<
Just 4-star
Been there a couple of times
My mum said they just renovated..
That's interesting
I'll be hoping to take afew pics
so,I can post it here
No promises though=D
Cya,don't wanna be ya
But will miss ya
Posted by
2:16 AM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Waste of my 2 hours
Oh My!
I'm sure all Manchester United fans out there will be kicking themselves for watching the match with Liverpool
I know I am!
We got off to a great start by taking the lead through Ronaldo penalty
pure class I have to say.
And then Vidic,of a all players made a mistake which lead to a sublime taken goal by Fernando Torres
And just before half-time Evra brought down Stevie G in the penalty box
Which lead to a another goal~
Overall-First half was quite boring by MANU
2nd half wasn't any better
Fact is,it was worse
Vidic bringing down Stevie G and earned himself a well-deserved red card
Well,that sums Vidic poor match
Riera made no mistake from the free-kick
Van Der Sar could only kick the ball out of the goalmouth
And Liverpool wrap things up with a wonderful chip by Dossena
Players who play like school kids during the match(arrange from the worse to the worst)
1.Carrick-nothing was going right for him
2.Ronaldo-he couldn't even pass Liverpool defenders
3.Anderson-whole load of crap.One footer and I don't even know why he's in the team
4.Vidic-A poor poor match from him..Considering he's 1 of the favourite to pick up the PFA player of the season
Statistics-Whenever Ronaldo scores at OT MANU will win(48 games inarow)And now it has ended.
Manu has conceded 6 goals to Liverpool this season and replying just 2 goals
That's it from me=)
Going Cherating tomorrow
Will be back on Tuesday
Posted by
11:28 PM
Pondering my next move
I've been putting a lot of thinking about my future
I just couldn't help not to think about it especially it involve money and love
Throughout the week, I've been thinking of making some $$
At age 15,generating cash is obviously a bonus
Best part of it,with the cash you earn you can do whatever you want with it
Are my/your parents gonna scold if we burn the money?
Okay la,thats exaggerating..they sure scold,and we won't burn money
Are they gonna stop you from changing phone?buy laptop?put surround sound speaker in your room?
Fact is they can't do much about it
Whether you work part time or making money online,you stil have the rights to do whatever you want with the $$
Thats why I'm seriously thinking of making a niche blog(money making blog)
But I'm stuck with what type of thing should I talk about
There's so many thing I do about
It's not easy to think of something that suits me
Anything amount of money earn is a bonus
From a simple blog create,
I could earn around $50~$100000 monthly
I've done alot of research already
Don't be suprise if you see me coming to school with a sport car when I'm 17
In life,the starting is always the hardest
At the age of 15,we're mature enough to think for ourselves and for the future
Our future will not be loitering in town but rather working for $$
and if there's 1 valuable lesson my father always remind me
Without education,you're basically close to nothing
A head start is what everybody needs
think for your future,make a decision
Posted by
1:56 PM
Friday, March 13, 2009
Time is as fast a Ferrari?
Don't you think every year
the time move faster?
like it or not,it does feel time flies very fast
Whether you're enjoy yourself in a pub or in school,
or hearing our history teacher talking crap which can lead to brain damage
or when the time you wait for a bus
Its already mid of March closing in on April Fool
Tomorrow will be the start of our first one-week holiday of the year
Ohh~~..Trust me,it will fly faster
Love or hate it
can you stop time?
oh no you can't regardless of what you are
Even Hiro Nakamura will be crying
Even he could not slow 1 damn second in reality
No matter how superior you are,you are still very vulnerable to time
I love the fact that I'm edging closer to being an adult
I'm 15 by the way
At the same time,I know I'll miss the school days when I start to work
So,my advise to you all
Enjoy your school days,do whatever that makes you feel happy
That's the reason why I act like a child at times
Cause it makes me feel good
You won't get a better chance to feel childish in your life
If you think stress is getting over you,
Sorry to say, you're an idiot!
Before I end my post,I would like to say
Time waits for no man
Posted by
8:02 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Im so tired~~
Started of the day with KH
I was in charged of sander
it sucks
Then PJK
play til 9.25..
which means 5 mins after rehat end,still playing
9.40 went Science Seminar
was quite fun
Obviously,i made a few jokes in the process
and the Speaker was praising me cause i can answer all her questions
Basically,did not study the whole day
Afta skul
went for volleyball tryouts
I just pick up volleyball fortnight ago
Improving drastically~
But i was rubbish during the tryouts
nothing was going right,still managed to enter la
it ended at 4.10
Took bus,reached grandma house at 4.40
bath and eat burger
5pm go take bus again
this time to tuition
Well,all i can say is I'm very very very tired~
Burned every single energy I have in me
thinking hard for the future
Posted by
8:34 PM
Monday, March 9, 2009
Moving Backwards
It's so sad to see that people are protesting over Science and Maths being taught in English
Well,to me both are the same
still easy whether its in English or BM
To you all,I don't know
What are the benefits learning all this in English?
Let me tell you,from my point of view
English is the Universal Language
and BM is the ??..ahh..yess..our national language
Okay here's the case
If SC and Maths are reverted to BM back again
How are the Malays gonna speak English fluently?
How is the country gonna develop with majority of our leaders cant even speak properly English?
Are we gonna speak to leaders from other country using Sign Language?
English is so damn important
Wawasan 2020 will not be achieved with uneducated people loitering around..
Probably WAWASAN 3030 can la
Teachers in Perak having hard time to teach?
is that so?
Com'on la
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell you that English is very easy to learn
There are many other reasons too
I'm sure you can think of it
All I can say is it would be a step backwards if the Government does decide to revert it back into BM
I don't understand it at all
Theres no new to review!
Just stick to English!
For the sake of the country...
Til I post again
Posted by
3:24 PM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Two Timer
nice title right?
no no
its not about love
its about 2 schools
I two-timed Cochrane and Convent
Here's the case
Today my school(Cochrane) is celebrating our 44th School Sports Day
and Convent Peel Road is having their FAMILY DAY
I went both!
Though it was hard to get out from the stadium
I managed to escape with the help of a signed letter from my mum
And oso I ran 100m today
I came in 4th or 5th
Something I expected already
Cause I ain't 100%..
ada injury ma~
It was quite pain in the last 20m where the pain really kicked in
But thats okay!
Fact is this is the first time I run in a running event without a medal
my record gone ady
And it was 10am
time for me to go Convent
Boy,that school is a maze
It was hard to know where am I
But I was given warm hospitality by afew friends and newly-friends
Everybody I met at Convent was wonderful,friendly,smart and funny~
I regretted not taking pictures with them
Lack of time
Wasted 45 mins lining up for something which I didnt go,in the end
wait til no patient liao
Oh well~
It was fun knowing them
and I had a great time today
I hope they will come to my school "Hari Keusahawanan" in April
This time,sure will take pictures
Til I post again
Posted by
1:57 PM
Friday, March 6, 2009
Lets play a little game here,alright?
unfortunately that doesn't has happen for me this week
It's a hectic week
Though I had fun throughout the week
Its very stressful 1
I have to pass up all my latihan and nota book for Pengetua to check
which means
I have to update all my work
Then I got sukan tahunan tomorrow
I still havent explain/tell to my teacher that I have to go early
Right after my 100m event
which means cancelling of 2 other events
I got alot of things to do la,this week
nuff said
I can't even recall some of them
Til I post Again..
busy reading "make money online"
Posted by
8:29 PM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Lots of laugh
I can bet with anyone of you who try and tell me laughing ain't good..
Place your ante,and i'll match your wages
Seriously la
Today Science class(tuition) was damn funny~~
On the scale of 1 to 10
I'll give a 9
It's about male reproductive system
I don't wanna talk about it too much lar
Its high classified
I probably laugh about 20~40 times daily
Probably 75% of it are from my jokes
But thats not my point la
my point is laughing is good
We should laugh as much as possible
From a 7cm lips to 15cm lips in 1 hour=)
Okay la
basically I'm crapping cause I don't know what to post
Something pissed me off today
As most of ya'll know I got 3rd for 200m
So,today was prize giving
and I didn't receive my medal
there goes my pride
I'll be taking my medal back tomorrow
Til I Post Again
Posted by
8:31 PM
Monday, March 2, 2009
SuperHuman..Thats what I'm
Call me perasan or whatever
I don't care
I went out there running 200m finals(although its much longer than 200m)
I put on a brave show out there
I might not came in first
but i did not came in last
I got 3rd place
Happy?Not really
Satisfy is the word
Theres 3 good reasons why I should be proud of my 3rd place
1st-I got really bad lane..Theres water hole everywhere,uneven ground..almost fell twice
2nd reason-im down with flu,mild fever and sore throat
3rd reason-im still carrying an injury..isit appendix?i hope not~
Kay.200m is done
I might pull out in another 2 events if my injury havent fully recover which means
im gonna take part in 100m on sukan tahunan
Just maybe~
nothing confirm yet
Nothing special happen in school today
except me wandering around,helping teachers and so on
My voice is really very rough
At times i could hardly talk!
Its gonna get ugly before it gets pretty
Til I post again,
Posted by
1:54 PM
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Oh My..I can't shout!
I got no voice..
only can talk
but very rough
i cant do the Michael Jackson shout ady
you know,the squeaky sound
nor I can give ucap to teachers tomorrow
yay..som1 else gonna get my job
for once
Though I got good news
I've recover from 1 of my injury
and Im still nursing another
Im beginning to think that this injury is more serious then i assumed it is
Lets see how it goes okay?
Guys and Girls!
Wish me luck for tomorrow 200m
I want Gold~..
til I post again..
Posted by
9:32 PM
Friday, February 27, 2009
My results
I wasn't very disappointed considering I did not touch any book except on the day of the exam
which is about 30 mins of revision lar
Science 88
Maths 89
LAST BUT NOT LEAST MY ENGLISH=68+5(this 5 marks is for everyone in my class an additional 2 marks to those who perform a dialogue)
My english was suprisingly joint highest in the class
All I can say is my teacher earned my respect for giving such marks to my class
She made me realize something I never once ever think of this
that my english is not good enough
I'm not disappointed but rather thankful and happy to have her as my teacher
I'm gonna triple my effort=)
A total of 6A 1B with a very unconvincing percentage of 81%
I'll try my best to post my class position once I know it
Til I post again
Jay Tee=)
Posted by
8:27 PM
Last Sunday
here's an update that I promised what happen on Sunday
And as some of you know,
it was my cousin wedding
it was held on 21st and 22nd of February..
22nd of Feb was a wedding dinner at Equatorial Hotel
It was very nice la
My second time being that hotel for a wedding dinner
Both are doctors
I tink trainee doctor is the right word
From 8 to 11pm
well,I had alot of fun
especially when yam seng time
My table consist of my family ,uncle and aunties
Only my father,brother and I shouted the loudest in our table
Well,our table was 2nd loudest
nothing to be ashamed of
considering the winner are youngsters and majority are guys
I did have 1 and a half glass of wine
it was quite nice la
cause it was sweet,bitter
heres 2 picture from the wedding dinner
my glass of wine
my bro and me
Next post-My Results
Posted by
8:14 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
So far so good
This week is quite okay lar
except painful
physical pain only
within 3 days(including today)
many events happen
but I only will touch on afew
Let's start of with yesterday saringan
I was supposed to run in 200m and 4x400m
200m was saringan la if i made it then would enter the final
and 4x400m was akhir
I've been carrying an injury since last wednesday,after 4x100m MSSKL
and it has been worse after 200m
I couldn't go on after the 200m semi final heat
Thank Lord it rain!
though raining with an injury I managed to post the 2nd best time
Not bad huh?
And i got 2 extra injury
i hoping to shake off my 3 injuries by tomrrow
please please please
a sharp pain when i run
even walking
now its much much worse
so,im not hoping for medals in 200m
jux accept watever results i get lor
My results are okay lar
i'll post a full result of my result on friday
and also
2 pictures from sunday wedding..
I want to post more but i really got to go
til i post again
Posted by
7:17 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Busy Week ahead
Its gonna be a busy week,
either heartbreaking or joy
Combination of both probably
This Monday sure got take exam papers!
not really
oh yeah..damn nervous
But im trying to be as optimistic as I can over my results
Then on Wednesday and thursday
Saringan and Akhir for few events
a little bit
100m,200m,400m,4x100m and 4x400m
I think 4x100m and 400m got no saringan on both of tat days
100m sure saringan,200m akhir,4x400 akhir too
Expecting a gold and a silver=)
Probably expectations are too high
but heck cares
My life quite boring la
Only about sports and results
I dont have alot of secrets to share also
I also getting less and less topics to post
but I'm very active..
Go wedding dinner
til I post again
Posted by
6:13 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Well,today was my cousin wedding
Nothing to be ashamed of right?
Well,I'm ashamed cause I did something very stupid lar
His wedding took place at St.Ignatius Church
And my mistake was
I dress informal
I jux wore a brown jeans and a T-shirt
I look at others and look at myself also want to curse ady
but can't
in the house of God
Thats all la
Tomorrow got wedding dinner
so,it will be fun
1 table cost RM1000= =
my family have to pay RM500
let's hope its value for money
til I post again,Adiue
Posted by
10:32 PM
Friday, February 20, 2009
88!my lucky number
once again this mark came back to me
like my friend la
My science got 88,well its better than 95!
cause I every year sure get this number 1=)
but I seriously have alot of catching up to do la for next intervensi!
1 part i need to be careful!
that is be more careful!
No more careless mistake!
no more!
tak mau lagi!
its a habit to make careless mistake
during this exam
3 paper=30 marks gone cuz of carelessness
Im expecting another 20 marks to fly too
in my last 4 papers
I'm so scare right now!
3B =3 people got A for BM ony!
3E =? people will get A for BM
I dont want to streak of 7A's to end cause of BM again!
Again school website got my face!
countless amount of times ady
they wanna market me la I think
Til,i post again!
Posted by
7:56 PM
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Argh!Stupid marks!
My marks quite bad la
well,it isn't if im comparing with the next class
but my class make me look like nothing against them
I have no choice la but to compare wit my class
always compare with the best!
Actually i got 2 results ony
both also 80
KH and maths
rugi lar maths
damn easy
but damn careless at the same time
on the scale of 1 to 10,my carelessness,i give a 9
It's the paper which everyone can ace it
but ending up with shitty marks
Wanna know how to be careless?ask me la
Don't wanna make careless mistakes?ask me too
KH no comment la
never study mar
Today i had my PSK and Seni test,maths and sejarah too..cause yesterday represent school ma
PSK,targeted 10 mins but I took 12 mins
got 50 questions la
20 objective and 30 subjective
Arts,no need say la
I always become the laughing stock of my class each time i try to draw
As long as Im happy,I don't care
Thats about it lar..
Til I post again,Bye
Posted by
8:31 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Luck Doesn't Favour Me
Well,my title says it all
1st thing happened was on yesterday
My fren call me to come for training yesterday
and then,i never bring anything lor
so,from my grandmother house i took bus back home to get my stuffs
then i on the comp and play awhile
budden,i forgot to unplugged the internet line
guess what?
Heavy rain! wit thunderstorm
hujan perolakan
I shudnt have stepped out of my face
I didn't went training also
all i did was go back my grandmother house
wat a waste
i shud jux stay at home
SAVED-nothing happen to my computer
2nd event
Happened today!
today i got running lah
4x100m zon pudu
heres the funny part!
they register me wrong!
means i cant join the race!
wtf - -
someone ganti me
I was so freaking mad
i wanted to go home
but i want to consult my teacher first
so have to wait for him
dono where he went la
SAVED- by my teacher,and my running team
they managed to get into the finals
and my name was back in the final
3RD event
Well,u guessed it
you see
my school running team basically targeted first or second in 4x100m
we didn't really achieve that due to
1.starter was slow(he was very tired afta running 200m events 3 times)
2.2nd runner fault(me)I take the blame cause I stopped
guess why i stop?
as i said starter was very tired
and each time i move forward he look like cant run ady
so i have to stop and take the baton from him
3.3rd runner was basically rubbish..he let people cut him and he did not cut anyone..conclusion is-slow
SAVED-by the last runner
he helped us gain no.3 spot
means got medal la!
Everytime something unlucky happen,I/we managed to gain back abit of luck
I felt our school team performances could have been better if i would have did better
Fact is from the first runner til the 4th runner in our skul are almost same speed
so,its a waste la
nvm la
still got nex year
Intervenshit sucks la
so many soalan bocor
its really unfair
but i play fair
i havent take my sej and maths paper
but i wont ask people to give me the questions la
of coz
Bye bye!end of story
Posted by
7:21 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Ah!OuCh!Hoi Sakit la!
my post title says it all
I skipped school to go olahraga training
well,wasn't my idea
my teacher's
I practiced from 7.30 until 10.30
Did 5 laps of jogging
then streching
then running drills
long jump
high jump
sprinting on the bend
Funny thing is
The last thing I did was the most important of all and the second last too
and I was overly exhausted that time
I still managed to clock a slow but solid 13.1secs for 100m on the bend
3 reasons why im slow
1.tired afta doing 3 hrs practice
2.its running on the curve
3.muscle pain
and i have 1 reason to be proud of
my time was the best among my 3 other relay partner
they clock 13.3 and 13.5
It's jux a very tiring day
Actually,my post title should be HAPPY VALENTINE DAY
but nvm la
Hope y'all have a wonderful Valentine
I'm still unsure of mine!
But i can surely bet its a tiring 1
Auf Wiedersehen! (German)
Posted by
5:06 PM
Friday, February 13, 2009
U-Turn decision
I made a U-Turn
cause I feel that my talent for running should not be wasted
so,I opted to run in the relays
Although Im the co-fastest runner in the school,I don't want to take so many events
cause i have intervenshit
Im sure all F3 have it
today is my first latihan of the year
its pain
and tomorrow have to ponteng school to go stadium
for practice
then on wednesday sudah lari
i will miss my maths and sej test!
my father scold me for running
he said
I told you not to run but u still wanna run!
And I said "aiyo!1 day ony la!"
im very tired
in pain rather than tired
Posted by
8:06 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
2nd Post of the day-IntervenSHIT
InvervenSHIT..Its not my word la
I got it from Sara..
must give credit de=)
Well,I felt boring and I just finished my maths homework
so,I wanna update la
I got something that i wanted to type out in the earlier post but i didn't
Today my fren really kantoi la
I'll try my best to explain kay?
First,Club Leo are organizing a chocolate deliver to whoever it is la on valentine day
And they gave us a paper
to fill in
whoever are interested
boy,i tell you,response are FANTASTIC
An amazing 0 people want to buy
So,my fren took the paper and wrote
famous personality names into it
and then my school panitia science teacher and PK HEM into it
It was suppose to be a joke la
He even wrote my name in it
but then
the bell ring
so,club leo member came and collect the paper
the best part is
my fren didn't erased it!
and today
the leader of club leo came to our class and gave back the paper
Well,I don't know la
whether did they showed to teacher anot
if show
I will take some responsibility as a class monitor
but i'll blame my fren for it too
I guess,I'll know my fate tomorrow
Hoping for the best!
And as for intervenSHIT
i havent do any revision whatsoever
I just dont feel like doing
I dont know why><
See i feel on saturday and sunday
i'll probably do
Tomorrow school football team selection
guess who wont be there tomorrow?
Me lah
Waste of time only..
no hope 1 la my school
nevertheless,one of my fren is going
maybe he can cover my position la
theres afew reasons why i quit football
1.i can't grow much taller if i continue playing football...playing at primary school is okay..but playing when in the process of growing is not recommended at all
2.No future-I don't see any future in playing football,i've already got a good,don't need anymore
3.Disappointed cause didn't get any jawatan last year..My leadership skills are way better than the school captain..I felt I'm more ready to wear the armband..2nd time it happen..One more was in primary..I just feel that its cause im a chinese,i didn't get any jawatan
but i still have a strong passion for football
though it'll never ever been the same ever again
Im focusing on sports which i'm more interested in
its all related to arm
badminton and basketball can help me grow taller^^
jump alot 1
basketball more la
Wish an advance Valentine Day to everyone
especially to those who are in relationships and just anybody la
to those who are single..
Don't worry
theres always a next time
As for me,I'll probably remain single
BUT i'll never know until something happens
Nites!Sweeet dreams!Adios Amigos!
Posted by
11:19 PM