Results are in today..
Sadly I got number 2 in class BUT my teacher made a mistake and I don't blame her
We all make mistakes
Most important thing I know I'm number 1
And also Number 3 in school
and the funny thing is..
the person who got number 1 in my class isn't in the top3..
means mistake lor..xD
Seni I got 15..haih..
miss my target by 6 marks
i wanted to get 9..
cuz it's single digit..
Kay la..Whoever get bad results or fall short from expectation to be sad..
Ps:I'm sorry,Corrine..haha..lalalaa..i helped u to be closer with him ma..xD
Quote of the Day-"Don't expect so good results from this exam la..Later you never achieve then you sad"by Crystal..
PS:i achieved it
And Congrats to Crystal for improving so much in the last exam..!!
And Congrats to all SMK Cochrane and other school students who got good results
and for those not "so good",regards..
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Posted by
5:48 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
What to post?
I have no idea what to post leh...
I just posting this to fill in the seconds of my life..
or rather wasting my time..xD
This week is quite boring but more fun..
get it?
Don't get it,Dont blame me
From badminton to games to chatting to sleeping late(shhh..my parents dono)
But it was a very disastrous week too cause my phone camera spoiled and have to repaired RM200.. sweat..
N82 camera..so expensive = =..
Anyway thats over,so no point thinking about that
This is another short post..xD
Quote of the day - The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.
Posted by
12:56 AM
Friday, November 21, 2008
Feedbacks!!..I need Them
So sad to viewers of my blog..
In 21 posts(excluding this)I have only receive 1 feedback/comment
Is my blog too boring to leave a feedback?!..
Then drop in ideas how to make my blog more interesting and READABLE..
Want me to advertise in newspaper meh?xD
Or I should talk more about the environment?
about Songs?About games?about porn(JK)?I have no idea at all..
Drop in some ideas la..
I can't do this alone..
It's like you giving me a bagpack without compass into a jungle..
Oh yeah..! I will make it when my bones are visible..
Quote of the day-Be big or be gone
Posted by
1:22 AM
Monday, November 17, 2008
What happen if the WORLD turn around?
Okay..I'll be listing out everything in my mind now..
Anything you want me to add just leave a comment..
Lazy people will be smart!!(Which already have)
Hardworking people will be poor!!
Apartment=Underground house.
If your result get E..Don't fear cause it's around so =A..xD
If you get A you better cry..
Pro is no longer pro,they are noob..
Lifespan of 10 Months = very long
If your name is DIPUTS then you're STUPID..
If your name is PASMAH then you're HAMSAP..
If your name is ANNA then you're name is ..errr..ANNA..
Hmm.What somemore?
Actually,I BET you all didn't notice something..xD.Some of them are opposite rather than TURN AROUND..
Anyway I really got nothing much to say..
I just posting this post to cover up my free time..
HAPPY HOLIDAYS..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BOOM!!
Today is abit special..I won't be posting quote of the day but instead a fact
Fact-Did you know in the Movie Juno the baby due that was 4th Of May?
4th of May is a very important day because Justin was born at 4TH OF MAY!!!
Posted by
11:05 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Life currently
As I said times and times again,my life is just getting better and better
Every year is getting better and every year I tell myself "Wow,what a great year this year turned out to be"
But obviously there are afew hiccups
If you get what I mean..
Reasons to be happy about this year
3.Can't recall..haha
Lets get to Results first..
My result this year is above par for my standard which pleases me..
to top things off,My chances of being No.1 in the class are less just say 95%..xD
And sports..
I learned basketball this year and I've been praised by many people
I'm currently picking badminton back after a very very long lay off
but it doesn't matter..
I grow strength to strength with age rather than experience sometimes..
I said to myself,Sports is my 2nd nature(I know I pushed it..)
And reasons to be upset about;
Kay..I'm fully responsible for hurting 2 girls heart this year
Although I managed to kept back a good relationship as a friend with them
Which is a plus for me
I'm a jerk..I admit..
Abit too self-centered I suppose
Nevertheless,I still learned alot from both of them..
Reasons to be happy about in the future;
PMR.I'm abit happy cause PMR is coming
Sorry,hate me..xD
And I'm going to Vietnam at the end of the year..
Quote of the day-First Asia,Tomorrow Africa,Next week Australia,Next month Europe,Next year America,Next Decade = THE WORLD
Posted by
1:52 AM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Long Layoff
I know..
It's been quite awhile since I updated my blog..
Due to exams
Unfortunately,I don't really have much to say
Exams was mixed la..
Easy and hard also got but mostly easy
And I sprained my ankle last Sunday..
It's much better now..
I'm doing runs already..
Signed off,
Jay Tee..
Quote of the Day-It's better to be loved and lost than never to be loved
Posted by
10:59 PM