Nothing to say..
Just that I've made RM150 in my life by playing games..
But it won't pay my electricity debt though..
Quote of the day-Fool me once shame on you,Fool me twice shame on me,Fool me thrice,shame on no one..reason-NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Posted by
12:30 AM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
School atmosphere
This week so far as been nothing short of nice
I've been warned by teacher and prefect about my hair which they think is too long
but don't worry..
I have something under my sleeves
That is the buku peraturan(Law Book)
Go read..xD
I've read it already..=)
And also I was playing basketball the other day and teacher came and confiscate the ball..
Luckily the ball wasn't mine..xD
This week is nice because girls find me when they are down or sad..
which I'm happy cause it prove that I'm a guy who listens to their problem..=)
Most of them have Love Dilemma..
Who can blame them right?
We are all students,and we're naive too
Right now,Im reading Buffettology
Wanna know what's that?
The book is about Investing..
I won't touch too much about this topic cause many of you don't really care
Quote of the Day- Why bother about losing,where else winning is your middle name
Posted by
12:08 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Got It!
Afta so long I've been thinking what i wana to in the future I've finally cracked it..
What i wanna be is outrageous to all teenagers n it involve a great deal of risk.. But im ready
Im a born winner cux i dnt knw how to lose
My ambition is a druglord.. Jj..
I actually want to be an investor..
Basically invest on stock n rising companies and wil be taking business course..
I knw it sounds crazy.. Haha..
Quote of the day-Every human dream of going to heaven, but how many of them wanna die?
P.s using hp..
Regards JT
Posted by
12:31 AM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
juz watch finish manu vs west br0m.. 4-nil manu won!
Bt tats nt my point..
Rite abt 24 hrs ago, i was caught plyin c0mputer by my father
Cuz its 3 n obviously bedtime..
Boy o boy..
All i gt was scoldin..
Quote of the Day- you'll always say the gal/boy u kissed 2dae is better than the gal/boy u kissd ystrdy..
P.s im usin my hp..
Regards JT
Posted by
2:29 AM
Friday, October 17, 2008
Nothing to say..
I got nothing to say about today except the fact that i ponteng skul..xD
rest are history..
Here's something new from now on..
each time I create a post I'll put 'Quote of the Day'
I think it would be fun=)
Quote of the Day-
If you throw a stone in Japan,you'll hit a man named Suzuki
If you throw a stone in Malaysia,you'll hit a man named DATUK..
The meaning is Datukship have been awarded blindly
In no time everyone will be Datuk
Take for example,Why does Shah Rukh Khan have been awarded Datukship?
Can I get Datukship cause I go to Malaysian school?
Gimme a break..
Weird Weird Weird..
Regards ~ Datuk JT ~..
JJ=Just Joking
Posted by
7:15 PM
Game-Condition Zero
I really have been going through my mind many times
I sometimes wonder I'm wasting too much time playing CZ?
I really do think it's time to quit the game and move on with my life that is doing better stuff
Here are some proud moments..
25 killing highest
Clan war
For fun
I'll just randomly on when I feel very very bored..
I have made a right decision today..
And Im proud of it..
Regards ~ JT ~
Posted by
2:01 AM
New Day renews the challenges
Without a doubt every single day of my life I'll face a shit moment..
I mean who doesn't?
I have no idea..
I mean life is very suprising..
Can't expect your life to run free without a problem right?
You can never know whats ahead of u
Not even for a second..
That's why it's call PRESENT
When u receive a present do you know whats inside?
No,unless you've been told
My point is theres no point trying to change the past
All we gotta do is stay positive and focus as we embrace ourselves for challenges ahead of us..
Have A Nice Day..=)
Regards ~ JT ~
Posted by
1:53 AM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Last Night
Hmm..Seriously I've got nothing much to say about what happen last night
But occasionally something happened last night
Don't worry..Nothing serious jux heavy rain and thunderstorm
See..The thing is my house is alarmed with 2 kinds of alarm that is motion alarm(movement) and break in of cause..
and with last night heavy rain and also thunderstorm causing thunderwave the alarm triggered twice..
and It was 12am..
Luckily I wasn't playing comp that time..My time was up that time
And my father came down the second time asking me to sleep later to watch out if it does triggered again..
And the dog saw me by accident I supposed..
It started crying and barking
I reckon he's scare of the rain and thunder..
I tried hiding so that he won't see me..
and hoping he would stop barking
Guess what?He didnt
instead he bark and cried more..
I didn't have the heart to watch him cried so I let him in..xD
Cuddle it until the rain stops..
The end..
P.s..the dog is my dog
Posted by
10:33 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I realised..
I was naive to let u go..
I wasn't thinking right at that moment
I just wanna say I made the biggest mistake of my 14 years living..
I recently realised how much more important were you to me
I needed the knock on my head before i realise it
Secondhand Serenade-Fall For You lyrics is the best way to describe my feelings
Cause tonight will be the night I fall for u...over again!!..
meaningful lyrics..
I seriously have no idea whether you're still single or available..
But I'm gonna take chances
Life is about taking risks and chances
You only get to live once
Where's the fun if you don't take it
I cracked partially of the meaning of LIFE
feel free to help me make it sound better
LIFE=Living Ideally Fantasizing Eternally
Posted by
9:49 PM
Jux like any other day
It wasn't..
I pulled of a very hard task for anyone to do today
that is study 4 hrs..
as in return
2 hours of online
Disappointed at it..
Anyway I'm going to my grandmother hse again
to let meself study more..=)
studying at home can never work
cuz too many electronics stuff such as internet,comp,my xbox360,my ps2, and many more
getting away from home lets me study without any distraction..
try doing it guys..xD
Posted by
9:10 PM
Near death experience..
I'm such an ass..
During last and month wont be revealed..
I almost encountered death
I know I know..
You guys were praying that time..xD..i mean praying to me to got .......
thhe answer to ........ will be posted down..
Let's start..
It was a cold evening,Raining..
so me and my friends went to play badminton and football
My friend challenged me badminton..(dont worry..i aint good at it)
and my friend little brother got into a fight which me and my friend bailed him out of it
Soon he came with a gang
and i started exchanging words with them
I had to take my bike and rush back home to avoid any fight
When i was cycling back home,they were chasing me..
I was swearing that time..
And i had to choice but to cross the road without looking left and right..
A Proton Wira was travelling around 60kph almox hit me
he missed me by a hair
I was praying right afta that..
Those bastards lucky they didnt followed up otherwise it will be them going down under/kick the bucket/left the building
but in the end no blood were spilt cause i apologise to them on the same day..
What an angel I am..xD
The End
p.s-it's a real life story..
Posted by
4:11 AM
It sure sucks to have exam..
but I love exam..
so hate me..xD
Why does Justin love exam
reason number 1.
To show that I'm no fluke in the past
reason number 2.
Makes me feel better after doing it..
reason number 3.
It's jux so fun to see if get good results..
But this year will be something different
Result will be post to my house..
I mean..WTH!!!
My house?
o well..
Even UPSR we still have to go to school to take the results..
A very pooooor decision made by the pengetua..
Regards-Dissappointed JT
Posted by
4:08 AM
It's a very rude shock to Thawrique who just lost his father last Thursday..
On that particular day too was his best friend father's birthday..
but that's not my point
my point is a lost is always hard to accept
and its unforgettable even if u reformat your if that can happen
The fact is we all care for u Thawrique..
We care about u before,at that moment your father passed away and even after..
We includes everyone in your life
Obviously a death of either mother or father is very very painful but
without a doubt u will bounce back..
I have faith in you..
Your faith will conquer fear..
I would like to pay last respect to ur father and deepest condolences to ur family..
Thawrique,you don't deserve this fate but it's just cant be avoid
My line=Life is what you get,when it's time,it's turning back..
Copyrighted..No double posting..=)
Posted by
4:02 AM