Sometimes in a boring day,I feel like I could pick up a text book or a reference book
but...I rather not..
Reason is studying will be more boring
but yet I find studying fun at times depending on which subject u read about..
I actually planned on writing 10 karangan in a day but that's not gonna happen anytime soon..haha
I'm so lazy..
But I'll definitely placing both of my eyes on the top spot in the school..
To achieve a goal,You have to work for it til you drop dead
Sunday, September 7, 2008
To study or not to study
Posted by
12:40 AM
I always play game but I keep asking myself do I feel bored playing them?
The answer will be 'yes' but depend cause sometimes it won't be boring..
If I'm on form then it wont be boring
If it's a clan fight then it wont be boring
But I don't really see myself playing game until I'm 16..
I'll use the computer more wisely e.g learn how to setup things,repair stuffs..
It all come in handy 1 day..
Knowledge will be put into good use if you have sense of humanity
Posted by
12:36 AM
Friday, September 5, 2008
Go easy on girls,guys
Guys Guys Guys..tsk tsk tsk
or Should I say boys boys boys
I still can't figure out why are we(exclude me) still hitting girls?
not hitting as in 'kao' but physical contact
It's ridiculous,guys
Pushing,pinching,beating with bottle,door??the list just goes on
Hitting them is not much fun but boys like to do it
Why?Cause girls wont hit back too hard
Have I done it before?Yes,during primary days..but now?rarely..I'm a teenager now
We all should be mature la
Childish but mature..Doesn't make any sense right?
We all have feelings,pain,emotion and blah blah blah
Many guys out there will think I'm a pussy..
I gotta agree with that..
Guys,give girls a break
Posted by
11:18 PM
Form 2..
Well,I decided to create another blog for this cause I felt it was necessary..
Okay..At the start of the year,I was offered to play for U-15 which I turned down..
Ujian bulanan scored a 5a 2b..
Mid year 6a 1b=Second place in the class..9th in the school
Ujian bulanan2=7A's..Second place in the class..? in the school..(will be updated soon)
This year so far have been the best year of my 14 years life
1.Captain of green House..(afternoon session)
2.Scored my first straight A's since Std2..
3.Won 4 medals during sukan tahunan=2gold(100m,Long jump) 2 bronze(4x100m,4x400m)
4.Representing my school for long jump although I was facing a injury that is shoulder injury
5.Change phone..haha
But there is also a very sad moment for me that is unable to run in the 100m and 4x100m due to injury(which I mentioned)
After Hari Raya,there will be a luar musim tournament for running and football which I think I have to pass..
Reason is my mindset is focused on the end year exam and this 2 aren't my priority..
But in life you can never doubt your chances..
Most probably I won't play but who knows?
Posted by
7:46 PM
My History
Hmmm..Where should I start?
To be Honest..I only had a 2% chance of making out into this beautiful world..No!!I'm not lying..
Lets go to 3..When I was 3,I started playing computer..=)
But I was to wear specs when I was 4..Swt..Until today I'm still wearing..
I started kicking ball when I was 6 and It was alot of fun..It certainly does help me alot..
When I was standard 1,I copied my friend answer during exam for the first time but since then I didn't copy anyone answer til now..
At the end of the year..I dropped 2 classes..(not because I copy..)
But the following year..I managed to break back into the first class
As for my reward..I got a ps2..
Then I dropped back the following year..Man..I'm not consistent -,-...
Oh well..Then I'm in tahap 2 already..
I got gold for high jump and 4x100m and a bronze for 100m during Sukan Tahunan..
It was a very memorable moment cause I slide towards the 100m cause it was too slippery and I lost balance..
Nevertheless still a 3rd place..On the same year,I got promoted back to the first class clinching a second place in the class..
Standard 5-Hmm..It was a fun year cause I get to represent my school in football for the district tournament..
I earned a penalty for the school..I got 2 silver medals during the sukan tahunan..Both is for 100m and 4x100..I made a very stupid mistake that is leaving the block without taking the baton along which cost the team a first place...Studywise..Slightly dropped..
Standard 6-What a year!!..Oh Boy..First It was football then running..I did not want to represent in both of them cause it was UPSR year..I barely attend training for football but the teacher still want me saying I don't need to go training..So,I joined the boys cause I was amazed by the way the teacher talked me out of 'retirement'
As for running,I boycott the teacher cause I assumed he was a racist..I was clearly a better runner and he chose the slower guy instead..I showed my angerness by skipping 1 of the events..That was all for Pudu Zone..
Here's what happened during Sukan Tahunan..I injured my left elbow during latihan which cost me 100m and high jump spot..Sad..But I did run in the 4x100m though which ended in a another silver..On May 15th..I fell down around 1.20pm..It wasn't a ordinary fall which only bleeds and so on..This fell broke both of my bones on my right arm..I went under the knife 4 times just for this fall..I wore a cast for 2 months and can't play sports for 6 months?Did I regret it?My answer will be 'NO' although my hand doesn't looking nice now..with scars all over..
And I scored 4a 1b for my UPSR..Dissappointing? Yes..
Wow..I'm in form1 already..Time flies..Like normal,Play football for school..But I didn't take part in the sukan tahunan as I entered the school quite late causing me to miss 2 latihan..My results in Form1 made me very proud cause it is way better than my primary days..
Posted by
7:19 PM