What a year it turn out to be for me
3 words-Exciting,Challenging,Pleasure
Besides that,it have been quite some time which I last posted
and there's no day better than X'Mas
Few may argue that only Christians celebrate X'Mas but to me,
what the heck..
We'll celebrate it passionately regardless our faith,colour and religion.
As for me,I'm a free-thinker who believe in Christ..=)
My point of view-Highs and Lows of 2008
Athlete of the Year-I would pretty much say Cristiano Ronaldo or Michael Phelps but who can deny USAIN BOLT for catching the my attention
3 WORLD RECORD IN 3 EVENTS.9.69secs in 100 although he slowed down the last 30M and here's the catch.His shoe lace were untied.he even smashed the 200m with an incredible time of 19.30 secs..Lightning BOLT he is.He's also aiming for Michael Johnson 400m record,so I wish him well=)
Flop of the Year-Joey Barton without a doubt.Very bad professional football player.Setting poor examples for the future generation of footballers.Crying won't spare your jail time,bro.
Event of the Year-Champions League final between Man United Vs Chelsea.I'll accept flaks from you guys cause few may prefer the match from Arsenal vs Tottemham.
Both game mention early was right at the death..But Champions League is more important and I'll also favor it cause John Terry miss the winning kick which will give Chelsea the Cup.Thanks to poor field condition,he slipped and hitting the post.Ironic?Coincidence?I don't even have a word to describe it.Ballon D'or winning Cristiano Ronaldo missed his spot kick which was rare.Probably he doesn't take spotkick so well in CL as he also missed his spotkick against Barca in the 4th minute.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry X'Mas 2008.
Posted by
1:06 AM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Beautiful country with a long history
But my post is not about the history
Vietnam is something like Malaysia probably 10~20 years ago
but they are developing fast
Reason??-People are friendly,smart and very optimistic
I've been to Saigon also known as Ho Chi Minh
Clothes are cheap there..
and also has very high quality
Be wary of traders who mark up the price extremely high
mostly mark up around 40~90%
so be a smart bargainer
I'm not,I admit
The population of Saigon is approximately 8 million and with 4 million motorbikes..
amazing huh?
Imma upload some pictures from Vietnam
P.S:most of the pictures are in my phone
Oh My..~~..
I don't know which picture goes to which picture
Oh well..
Sort it out yourself..
There's a shooting range at Chu Chi tunnel
It cost about 25k dongs for 1 bullet
I've seen many beautiful girls from many Asian countries but I got a confession
Vietnamese girls are the hottest..xD
Kudos to Vietnamese girls..
Too bad I've to let my Vietnamese girlfriend go..><
I'm not gonna see her cute face ever again..
Sad and dissappointed
How I wish She have MSN or friendster..xD
But she don't have either
Many events occur in Vietnam but I can't be typing it all out right?xD
so I'm gonna stop here..
~Jay Tee~
Posted by
12:39 AM
Monday, December 1, 2008
1st day of vietnam
Wonderful city n country.. But vry poor traffic.. M0torcycle are jux so scary to watch. Nvr see a 4 way street b4? U shud cme here. Its so hectic.. I cud see mre hot gals in vietnam than i cn c in msia.. No offense.. People here cum out n ply n hang out even its on m0nday nite.. Btw i saw aznil(i tink i gt the spellin rite) aka tv host for many local talk shows n he was abt 5 meter away frm me n i didnt even realised. Lol.. My leg is aching. Walk wALk n walk. I reali hope to get a chance to shoot using m16..
Food here are okay bt rmb its my 1st day ny.. Im g0na c mre gals tmr. Esp skul gals. Mre to update as here in vietnam everywhr oso gt wifi bt msia r way ahead im many ways. Im so thankful to b a msian n i nvr tot i'll say it
Posted by
10:30 PM
---------Bye Bye---------
Off to Vietnam..~~
I hope i'll be sitting beside a hot girl in my flight..
my taxi coming at 11.45!!!
aNd my father is asking me to take the bags down-
im so excited..
i sound like a kampung boy first time going out of M'sia
but dont worry i've been to alot of asia country b4..xD
i'LL update more when im back
Posted by
10:24 AM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Results are in today..
Sadly I got number 2 in class BUT my teacher made a mistake and I don't blame her
We all make mistakes
Most important thing I know I'm number 1
And also Number 3 in school
and the funny thing is..
the person who got number 1 in my class isn't in the top3..
means mistake lor..xD
Seni I got 15..haih..
miss my target by 6 marks
i wanted to get 9..
cuz it's single digit..
Kay la..Whoever get bad results or fall short from expectation to be sad..
Ps:I'm sorry,Corrine..haha..lalalaa..i helped u to be closer with him ma..xD
Quote of the Day-"Don't expect so good results from this exam la..Later you never achieve then you sad"by Crystal..
PS:i achieved it
And Congrats to Crystal for improving so much in the last exam..!!
And Congrats to all SMK Cochrane and other school students who got good results
and for those not "so good",regards..
Posted by
5:48 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
What to post?
I have no idea what to post leh...
I just posting this to fill in the seconds of my life..
or rather wasting my time..xD
This week is quite boring but more fun..
get it?
Don't get it,Dont blame me
From badminton to games to chatting to sleeping late( parents dono)
But it was a very disastrous week too cause my phone camera spoiled and have to repaired RM200.. sweat..
N82 expensive = =..
Anyway thats over,so no point thinking about that
This is another short post..xD
Quote of the day - The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.
Posted by
12:56 AM
Friday, November 21, 2008
Feedbacks!!..I need Them
So sad to viewers of my blog..
In 21 posts(excluding this)I have only receive 1 feedback/comment
Is my blog too boring to leave a feedback?!..
Then drop in ideas how to make my blog more interesting and READABLE..
Want me to advertise in newspaper meh?xD
Or I should talk more about the environment?
about Songs?About games?about porn(JK)?I have no idea at all..
Drop in some ideas la..
I can't do this alone..
It's like you giving me a bagpack without compass into a jungle..
Oh yeah..! I will make it when my bones are visible..
Quote of the day-Be big or be gone
Posted by
1:22 AM
Monday, November 17, 2008
What happen if the WORLD turn around?
Okay..I'll be listing out everything in my mind now..
Anything you want me to add just leave a comment..
Lazy people will be smart!!(Which already have)
Hardworking people will be poor!!
Apartment=Underground house.
If your result get E..Don't fear cause it's around so =A..xD
If you get A you better cry..
Pro is no longer pro,they are noob..
Lifespan of 10 Months = very long
If your name is DIPUTS then you're STUPID..
If your name is PASMAH then you're HAMSAP..
If your name is ANNA then you're name is ..errr..ANNA..
Hmm.What somemore?
Actually,I BET you all didn't notice something..xD.Some of them are opposite rather than TURN AROUND..
Anyway I really got nothing much to say..
I just posting this post to cover up my free time..
HAPPY HOLIDAYS..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BOOM!!
Today is abit special..I won't be posting quote of the day but instead a fact
Fact-Did you know in the Movie Juno the baby due that was 4th Of May?
4th of May is a very important day because Justin was born at 4TH OF MAY!!!
Posted by
11:05 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Life currently
As I said times and times again,my life is just getting better and better
Every year is getting better and every year I tell myself "Wow,what a great year this year turned out to be"
But obviously there are afew hiccups
If you get what I mean..
Reasons to be happy about this year
3.Can't recall..haha
Lets get to Results first..
My result this year is above par for my standard which pleases me..
to top things off,My chances of being No.1 in the class are less just say 95%..xD
And sports..
I learned basketball this year and I've been praised by many people
I'm currently picking badminton back after a very very long lay off
but it doesn't matter..
I grow strength to strength with age rather than experience sometimes..
I said to myself,Sports is my 2nd nature(I know I pushed it..)
And reasons to be upset about;
Kay..I'm fully responsible for hurting 2 girls heart this year
Although I managed to kept back a good relationship as a friend with them
Which is a plus for me
I'm a jerk..I admit..
Abit too self-centered I suppose
Nevertheless,I still learned alot from both of them..
Reasons to be happy about in the future;
PMR.I'm abit happy cause PMR is coming
Sorry,hate me..xD
And I'm going to Vietnam at the end of the year..
Quote of the day-First Asia,Tomorrow Africa,Next week Australia,Next month Europe,Next year America,Next Decade = THE WORLD
Posted by
1:52 AM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Long Layoff
I know..
It's been quite awhile since I updated my blog..
Due to exams
Unfortunately,I don't really have much to say
Exams was mixed la..
Easy and hard also got but mostly easy
And I sprained my ankle last Sunday..
It's much better now..
I'm doing runs already..
Signed off,
Jay Tee..
Quote of the Day-It's better to be loved and lost than never to be loved
Posted by
10:59 PM
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Nothing to say..
Just that I've made RM150 in my life by playing games..
But it won't pay my electricity debt though..
Quote of the day-Fool me once shame on you,Fool me twice shame on me,Fool me thrice,shame on no one..reason-NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!
Posted by
12:30 AM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
School atmosphere
This week so far as been nothing short of nice
I've been warned by teacher and prefect about my hair which they think is too long
but don't worry..
I have something under my sleeves
That is the buku peraturan(Law Book)
Go read..xD
I've read it already..=)
And also I was playing basketball the other day and teacher came and confiscate the ball..
Luckily the ball wasn't mine..xD
This week is nice because girls find me when they are down or sad..
which I'm happy cause it prove that I'm a guy who listens to their problem..=)
Most of them have Love Dilemma..
Who can blame them right?
We are all students,and we're naive too
Right now,Im reading Buffettology
Wanna know what's that?
The book is about Investing..
I won't touch too much about this topic cause many of you don't really care
Quote of the Day- Why bother about losing,where else winning is your middle name
Posted by
12:08 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Got It!
Afta so long I've been thinking what i wana to in the future I've finally cracked it..
What i wanna be is outrageous to all teenagers n it involve a great deal of risk.. But im ready
Im a born winner cux i dnt knw how to lose
My ambition is a druglord.. Jj..
I actually want to be an investor..
Basically invest on stock n rising companies and wil be taking business course..
I knw it sounds crazy.. Haha..
Quote of the day-Every human dream of going to heaven, but how many of them wanna die?
P.s using hp..
Regards JT
Posted by
12:31 AM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
juz watch finish manu vs west br0m.. 4-nil manu won!
Bt tats nt my point..
Rite abt 24 hrs ago, i was caught plyin c0mputer by my father
Cuz its 3 n obviously bedtime..
Boy o boy..
All i gt was scoldin..
Quote of the Day- you'll always say the gal/boy u kissed 2dae is better than the gal/boy u kissd ystrdy..
P.s im usin my hp..
Regards JT
Posted by
2:29 AM
Friday, October 17, 2008
Nothing to say..
I got nothing to say about today except the fact that i ponteng skul..xD
rest are history..
Here's something new from now on..
each time I create a post I'll put 'Quote of the Day'
I think it would be fun=)
Quote of the Day-
If you throw a stone in Japan,you'll hit a man named Suzuki
If you throw a stone in Malaysia,you'll hit a man named DATUK..
The meaning is Datukship have been awarded blindly
In no time everyone will be Datuk
Take for example,Why does Shah Rukh Khan have been awarded Datukship?
Can I get Datukship cause I go to Malaysian school?
Gimme a break..
Weird Weird Weird..
Regards ~ Datuk JT ~..
JJ=Just Joking
Posted by
7:15 PM
Game-Condition Zero
I really have been going through my mind many times
I sometimes wonder I'm wasting too much time playing CZ?
I really do think it's time to quit the game and move on with my life that is doing better stuff
Here are some proud moments..
25 killing highest
Clan war
For fun
I'll just randomly on when I feel very very bored..
I have made a right decision today..
And Im proud of it..
Regards ~ JT ~
Posted by
2:01 AM
New Day renews the challenges
Without a doubt every single day of my life I'll face a shit moment..
I mean who doesn't?
I have no idea..
I mean life is very suprising..
Can't expect your life to run free without a problem right?
You can never know whats ahead of u
Not even for a second..
That's why it's call PRESENT
When u receive a present do you know whats inside?
No,unless you've been told
My point is theres no point trying to change the past
All we gotta do is stay positive and focus as we embrace ourselves for challenges ahead of us..
Have A Nice Day..=)
Regards ~ JT ~
Posted by
1:53 AM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Last Night
Hmm..Seriously I've got nothing much to say about what happen last night
But occasionally something happened last night
Don't worry..Nothing serious jux heavy rain and thunderstorm
See..The thing is my house is alarmed with 2 kinds of alarm that is motion alarm(movement) and break in of cause..
and with last night heavy rain and also thunderstorm causing thunderwave the alarm triggered twice..
and It was 12am..
Luckily I wasn't playing comp that time..My time was up that time
And my father came down the second time asking me to sleep later to watch out if it does triggered again..
And the dog saw me by accident I supposed..
It started crying and barking
I reckon he's scare of the rain and thunder..
I tried hiding so that he won't see me..
and hoping he would stop barking
Guess what?He didnt
instead he bark and cried more..
I didn't have the heart to watch him cried so I let him in..xD
Cuddle it until the rain stops..
The end..
P.s..the dog is my dog
Posted by
10:33 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I realised..
I was naive to let u go..
I wasn't thinking right at that moment
I just wanna say I made the biggest mistake of my 14 years living..
I recently realised how much more important were you to me
I needed the knock on my head before i realise it
Secondhand Serenade-Fall For You lyrics is the best way to describe my feelings
Cause tonight will be the night I fall for u...over again!!..
meaningful lyrics..
I seriously have no idea whether you're still single or available..
But I'm gonna take chances
Life is about taking risks and chances
You only get to live once
Where's the fun if you don't take it
I cracked partially of the meaning of LIFE
feel free to help me make it sound better
LIFE=Living Ideally Fantasizing Eternally
Posted by
9:49 PM
Jux like any other day
It wasn't..
I pulled of a very hard task for anyone to do today
that is study 4 hrs..
as in return
2 hours of online
Disappointed at it..
Anyway I'm going to my grandmother hse again
to let meself study more..=)
studying at home can never work
cuz too many electronics stuff such as internet,comp,my xbox360,my ps2, and many more
getting away from home lets me study without any distraction..
try doing it guys..xD
Posted by
9:10 PM
Near death experience..
I'm such an ass..
During last and month wont be revealed..
I almost encountered death
I know I know..
You guys were praying that time..xD..i mean praying to me to got .......
thhe answer to ........ will be posted down..
Let's start..
It was a cold evening,Raining..
so me and my friends went to play badminton and football
My friend challenged me badminton..(dont worry..i aint good at it)
and my friend little brother got into a fight which me and my friend bailed him out of it
Soon he came with a gang
and i started exchanging words with them
I had to take my bike and rush back home to avoid any fight
When i was cycling back home,they were chasing me..
I was swearing that time..
And i had to choice but to cross the road without looking left and right..
A Proton Wira was travelling around 60kph almox hit me
he missed me by a hair
I was praying right afta that..
Those bastards lucky they didnt followed up otherwise it will be them going down under/kick the bucket/left the building
but in the end no blood were spilt cause i apologise to them on the same day..
What an angel I am..xD
The End
p.s-it's a real life story..
Posted by
4:11 AM
It sure sucks to have exam..
but I love exam..
so hate me..xD
Why does Justin love exam
reason number 1.
To show that I'm no fluke in the past
reason number 2.
Makes me feel better after doing it..
reason number 3.
It's jux so fun to see if get good results..
But this year will be something different
Result will be post to my house..
I mean..WTH!!!
My house?
o well..
Even UPSR we still have to go to school to take the results..
A very pooooor decision made by the pengetua..
Regards-Dissappointed JT
Posted by
4:08 AM
It's a very rude shock to Thawrique who just lost his father last Thursday..
On that particular day too was his best friend father's birthday..
but that's not my point
my point is a lost is always hard to accept
and its unforgettable even if u reformat your if that can happen
The fact is we all care for u Thawrique..
We care about u before,at that moment your father passed away and even after..
We includes everyone in your life
Obviously a death of either mother or father is very very painful but
without a doubt u will bounce back..
I have faith in you..
Your faith will conquer fear..
I would like to pay last respect to ur father and deepest condolences to ur family..
Thawrique,you don't deserve this fate but it's just cant be avoid
My line=Life is what you get,when it's time,it's turning back..
Copyrighted..No double posting..=)
Posted by
4:02 AM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
To study or not to study
Sometimes in a boring day,I feel like I could pick up a text book or a reference book
but...I rather not..
Reason is studying will be more boring
but yet I find studying fun at times depending on which subject u read about..
I actually planned on writing 10 karangan in a day but that's not gonna happen anytime soon..haha
I'm so lazy..
But I'll definitely placing both of my eyes on the top spot in the school..
To achieve a goal,You have to work for it til you drop dead
Posted by
12:40 AM
I always play game but I keep asking myself do I feel bored playing them?
The answer will be 'yes' but depend cause sometimes it won't be boring..
If I'm on form then it wont be boring
If it's a clan fight then it wont be boring
But I don't really see myself playing game until I'm 16..
I'll use the computer more wisely e.g learn how to setup things,repair stuffs..
It all come in handy 1 day..
Knowledge will be put into good use if you have sense of humanity
Posted by
12:36 AM
Friday, September 5, 2008
Go easy on girls,guys
Guys Guys Guys..tsk tsk tsk
or Should I say boys boys boys
I still can't figure out why are we(exclude me) still hitting girls?
not hitting as in 'kao' but physical contact
It's ridiculous,guys
Pushing,pinching,beating with bottle,door??the list just goes on
Hitting them is not much fun but boys like to do it
Why?Cause girls wont hit back too hard
Have I done it before?Yes,during primary days..but now?rarely..I'm a teenager now
We all should be mature la
Childish but mature..Doesn't make any sense right?
We all have feelings,pain,emotion and blah blah blah
Many guys out there will think I'm a pussy..
I gotta agree with that..
Guys,give girls a break
Posted by
11:18 PM
Form 2..
Well,I decided to create another blog for this cause I felt it was necessary..
Okay..At the start of the year,I was offered to play for U-15 which I turned down..
Ujian bulanan scored a 5a 2b..
Mid year 6a 1b=Second place in the class..9th in the school
Ujian bulanan2=7A's..Second place in the class..? in the school..(will be updated soon)
This year so far have been the best year of my 14 years life
1.Captain of green House..(afternoon session)
2.Scored my first straight A's since Std2..
3.Won 4 medals during sukan tahunan=2gold(100m,Long jump) 2 bronze(4x100m,4x400m)
4.Representing my school for long jump although I was facing a injury that is shoulder injury
5.Change phone..haha
But there is also a very sad moment for me that is unable to run in the 100m and 4x100m due to injury(which I mentioned)
After Hari Raya,there will be a luar musim tournament for running and football which I think I have to pass..
Reason is my mindset is focused on the end year exam and this 2 aren't my priority..
But in life you can never doubt your chances..
Most probably I won't play but who knows?
Posted by
7:46 PM
My History
Hmmm..Where should I start?
To be Honest..I only had a 2% chance of making out into this beautiful world..No!!I'm not lying..
Lets go to 3..When I was 3,I started playing computer..=)
But I was to wear specs when I was 4..Swt..Until today I'm still wearing..
I started kicking ball when I was 6 and It was alot of fun..It certainly does help me alot..
When I was standard 1,I copied my friend answer during exam for the first time but since then I didn't copy anyone answer til now..
At the end of the year..I dropped 2 classes..(not because I copy..)
But the following year..I managed to break back into the first class
As for my reward..I got a ps2..
Then I dropped back the following year..Man..I'm not consistent -,-...
Oh well..Then I'm in tahap 2 already..
I got gold for high jump and 4x100m and a bronze for 100m during Sukan Tahunan..
It was a very memorable moment cause I slide towards the 100m cause it was too slippery and I lost balance..
Nevertheless still a 3rd place..On the same year,I got promoted back to the first class clinching a second place in the class..
Standard 5-Hmm..It was a fun year cause I get to represent my school in football for the district tournament..
I earned a penalty for the school..I got 2 silver medals during the sukan tahunan..Both is for 100m and 4x100..I made a very stupid mistake that is leaving the block without taking the baton along which cost the team a first place...Studywise..Slightly dropped..
Standard 6-What a year!!..Oh Boy..First It was football then running..I did not want to represent in both of them cause it was UPSR year..I barely attend training for football but the teacher still want me saying I don't need to go training..So,I joined the boys cause I was amazed by the way the teacher talked me out of 'retirement'
As for running,I boycott the teacher cause I assumed he was a racist..I was clearly a better runner and he chose the slower guy instead..I showed my angerness by skipping 1 of the events..That was all for Pudu Zone..
Here's what happened during Sukan Tahunan..I injured my left elbow during latihan which cost me 100m and high jump spot..Sad..But I did run in the 4x100m though which ended in a another silver..On May 15th..I fell down around 1.20pm..It wasn't a ordinary fall which only bleeds and so on..This fell broke both of my bones on my right arm..I went under the knife 4 times just for this fall..I wore a cast for 2 months and can't play sports for 6 months?Did I regret it?My answer will be 'NO' although my hand doesn't looking nice now..with scars all over..
And I scored 4a 1b for my UPSR..Dissappointing? Yes..
Wow..I'm in form1 already..Time flies..Like normal,Play football for school..But I didn't take part in the sukan tahunan as I entered the school quite late causing me to miss 2 latihan..My results in Form1 made me very proud cause it is way better than my primary days..
Posted by
7:19 PM